Scenario-based Discussions with the NBR Unification Delegation held in Seoul

North Korea’s participation in the PyeongChang Olympics has brought about new developments in diplomatic maneuvers amongst the two Koreas and the US. There is a considerable amount of tension and unpredictability vis-à-vis SK-NK-US dynamics going forward (leaving out Russia, Japan, and China for the moment).

Against this backdrop, I received news and an invitation from the National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR) that they are sending a delegation of Asia experts based in Washington. As part of the NBR Unification Delegation, the experts visited South Korean ministries and to participate in a full-day scenario-based discussion (or tabletop exercise) on March 16, 2018.


With the NBR Unification Delegation after the TTX on Unification of the Korean Peninsula. Fraser Hotel Central. March 16, 2018.

With the NBR Unification Delegation after the TTX on Unification of the Korean Peninsula. Fraser Hotel Central, Seoul, South Korea. March 16, 2018.


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