Ordinary Moments

Lately, I’ve been thinking about journeys. More specifically, the journey of life, the moments that make it up and the people we share it with.When I think about my journey, my mind is quickly drawn to high or low points, clearly defined, with tangible lessons learned on the spot. This post is not about those experiences.

This is about the moments in-between.

In my experience, ordinary moments rarely feel significant, especially when they are happening.They don’t come with big realizations, they just exist. For this reason, I  often overlook them. But, these moments in the middle, are where I spend most of my time and it’s where life happens. The conversations, Starbucks runs, commutes, Netflix sessions. The day to day. I believe these moments are some of the most incredible we have on our journey. As Pam Halpert of “The Office” said, “There’s a lot of beauty in ordinary things”.

Additionally, I’ve been thinking about the thousands of ordinary moments I’ve shared with the people in my life. Some of these people left too soon. Others, God-willing, will continue to walk with me for many more years. All have shaped me in the most ordinary of ways-conversation,laughter, silence. They have taught, challenged, encouraged, believed in me and shown up every moment of every day.


I found a picture the other day of me and a friend. It’s from a  women’s retreat in Western Pennsylvania this summer.We’re in the mountains, surrounded by green trees walking on train tracks under a blue sky. I immediately tried to remember what we were talking about, sure from our posture and the scenery that it must have been profound. But all I can remember is conversation about high school, upcoming trips and thoughts about college, peppered with references to the musical Hamilton and the occasional complaint about the length of the hike.It was nothing and everything. As I looked at the photo, all I could think was that it captured life… happening. I have had some version of that conversation so many times, it was perfectly ordinary, but still, so beautiful.  

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