Posts by: Devin Harvin

Silence and Thank You Ian

In our weekly marsh meeting, fellow intern and friend Ian said something before he began his remarks that struck me. He said, “I don’t mind long periods of silence” and it made me think that I haven’t been in silence in a while. There is always some noise around me and I purposely do that. […]

Isolated Thoughts

One of my friends who took a semester off posted a picture on Instagram that said, “if you wanna go then go.” That has been my mindset this year. I’m alone a lot this semester. I’ve moved into single dorm room, my girlfriend who I miss a bunch is abroad now. and I’ve purposely chosen […]


I’ve been stuck on the notion of a different mindset since November and the election. I have grown use to our new reality of who runs our country and have said that hard goodbye to a man that has inspired me and millions that look like me. However, this past weekend at the Women’s March […]

The Colors of Music

On May 13, 2016 hip-hop recording artist Chance the Rapper released his third mixtape entitled Coloring Book. The mixtape features collaborations from musicians such as Kanye West, Francis and the Lights, Justin Beiber, Kurt Franklin, and the Chicago Children’s Choir. The album received widespread acclaim for its fusion of hip-hop and gospel sounds. For many, […]

Hardest Battles.

Last week was much needed. I buried the anxiety that the papers I have, created and the impending exams coming in the next few weeks, and focused on family. I surrounded myself with love and laughter and family I had not seen in what felt like so long ago, and nothing felt more natural. We […]

What do you really want?

I’ve been thinking about what I really want lately, asking the big questions of what do I want to do next, and what do I want to do before I leave. Those questions feel huge and unanswerable. Despite, being busy 24/7 theses days, I can’t help but stop and I think about the future. I […]

we must go on.

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Last night when reality begin to sink in, I thought of this quote. I lost hope around 2 AM, I spent all Wednesday morning hoping to find it. I thought about the country we had just created, […]

I Opened My Ears

I heard the T tracks whistling for the first time in a long time. I went an entire day without headphones. Music is what grounds me throughout the day. It’s a common reminder that everything will be okay. It is like my portable bible. A personal connection to God at every moment. I went without […]

Losing my balance

I’ve been struggling lately. I’m having the year of my life, I’m becoming the person I always wanted to be. A student leader, an activist, and someone who has found two internships that push me to ask more questions and think less about those answers. But, I’ve been struggling. The everyday task that these roles […]

Your a Reflection of Who You Surround Yourself With

I sat in Marsh this past Monday night and amongst, exams, clubs, and sleep deprived undergrads (like myself) I found the opportunity to enjoy these 2 hours I had with my Marsh family. The six of us laughed over dinner and made group messages, changed our blog design and simply, I was happy. I enjoyed […]