Category: Courtney

Interfaith makes my Heart sing.

A few weeks ago at the chapel I got to see something amazing.  Rev. Soren Hessler shared with us experiences of interfaith workings, why it is important, and what it means for us as Christians.  A reading from the Torah and a reading from the Quran were heard at Marsh Chapel. It made my little […]

Paul Is Problematic

This Past Sunday I had the privileged to preach at Old West United Methodist Church.  It was a challenging experience as I was given a question and not a bible passage.  However, I am really proud of how I did.  I would like to share my sermon as my reflection for this week.   “I […]

Finding peace and sanity

In the throws of the ever constant stream of exams that comes with the reality of taking 6 4credit classes, I have desperately tried to cling or to find some semblance of peace.  The chaos never ends and it feels like I can never catch my breath.  As soon as one thing is done, the […]

I don’t like Violence

The events that occurred last week in Oregon have had an impact on me.  Yet again we see violence in a place that should be safe.  As a college student I can not help but think about what might happen if a shooter came here to BU.  Or what if a shooter was at one […]

Destination Appreciation

I have no patience.  In fact I have a count down till the end of the semester and for Graduation on my phone.  I don’t like to wait.  I want to be done with school, move on, go to grad school, be done with school, get an appointment and start working. I am very much […]

Passionate feelings

I was asked this week about the single thing that I am most passionate about in life.  I was flabbergasted.  I literally had no idea.  I knew coming up with an answer would take some serious thinking, meditation, and discernment time. I am passionate about many different things; living wages, fair trade, preventing Sexual Assault, […]

Cider, Good company, and Great Music

Leaving the comfortable beauty of hiking every day, being with friends, spending time on the Potomac river, and being at camp was more difficult this year than it had ever been before.  Perhaps it is because this year I had far more confidence at camp.  I owned it this year, and leaving that scared me.  […]


As I sit and contemplate the impending chaos of the weeks to come, I find comfort in knowing that it will all be over soon.  Ironically though, I do not feel as stressed out as one might expect me to be.  I found, particularly over the weeks of Lent this year, that when I stress, […]

Doubt and Questions… And Taylor Swift

This Past Sunday I was granted the Wonderful opportunity of Preaching at Old West United Methodist Church.  I wanted to share my sermon.  The written words may not be exactly what I said, but it is pretty close to it. Growing up in the Church, hearing the story of Thomas was a pretty common occurrence, […]

As I Have Loved You: Service and Humility

Ian, Courtney, and I preached at the Maundy Thursday service last week! Kasey-Intro Tonight, on this Holy Thursday, as we prepare for the footwashing and the sacrament of communion, we take a moment to reflect on the radical image of service and humility presented in our Gospel reading. When compared with the stark image of […]