Category: Nick

Importance of Community

John Oliver’s most recent topic on the show Last Week Tonight was on opioids, more specifically, the opioid epidemic in our country. You can watch the video on YouTube – be aware that the humor is often adult and the language is also fairly adult. In the segment, John Oliver discusses the recent epidemic of […]

Iterations of Trials

Last Monday, I ran the first iteration of one my internship projects. This project is the implementation and light facilitation of small intentional conversations during the weekly Monday night religious life dinners. This project is connected to this year’s theme of Conversations at Marsh Chapel. When designing topic themes, I had to consider: the questions, […]

Reflections on Identities

It was Friday afternoon. I looked at the clock. It was almost 5pm. My probability homework needed to be handed in within the next few minutes. I left the South Campus common lounge, went to Ingalls to staple my homework together, and hurried to Photonics to hand it in. The past few weeks were long […]

Failure Faced

It became clearer and clearer to me that I had no more options. As I sat in the basement of the South Campus main residence hall at three in the morning on a weekend, I stared at the blinking line on my terminal. No matter what I did, I could not seem to figure out […]

Lose the sandals

After we finished our introductions in Sojourn, we began our discussion of the passage in our usual Sojourn way: we talked about what stuck out to us and discussed what we thought about the themes surrounding the passage. Right now, we are going through the Epistle to the Ephesians. This week, the author(is it Paul? […]

Facing Failure

I have no idea how these next few days are going to play out. I am currently enrolled in a course on Operating Systems and I have a massive assignment due in a couple of days. It is a very challenging project – at least for me it is – and I thought it would […]

More Alive

Hello, my name is Nick Rodriguez, and this is my first blog post in the Marsh Vocation Internship blog. I am a Junior in the College of Engineering studying Computer Engineering. I have spent time in leadership as the Vice-President of SojournBU, a Christian student organization in Boston University’s wonderful, vibrant, and diverse spiritual life. […]