Category: Spring 2017

Different Shades

Once, during a neighborhood pick-up game of basketball, my friend said “You know everyone sees color differently, right?”.  I have no idea what the context of this was, but I remember nodding along, filing this random fact away in my brain and telling him to check up. I would think about it in passing  from […]

Time Well Spent

And so it begins, the new semester. For a few weeks before class registration I was hoping that I would give myself a break and not overload myself. I guess I was sort of successful, I only have 18 credits so I am not technically overloading. However, extracurricular activities are filling in all of the […]


I’ve been stuck on the notion of a different mindset since November and the election. I have grown use to our new reality of who runs our country and have said that hard goodbye to a man that has inspired me and millions that look like me. However, this past weekend at the Women’s March […]


This past Sunday, I listened to a sermon delivered by the Reverend Jen Quigley, one of my supervisors at the chapel. Her sermon talked about the time she spent doing work at the Howard Gottlieb Archival Research Center, handling documents that were in the Martin Luther King Jr. collection. While reading these documents, she came […]