Category: Academics

Salvador Dali: Dante’s Purgatorio

Relating to CC102’s study of Dante’s Divine Comedy are illustrations made by Salvador Dali for Purgatorio. Here is a sample: For the full set of images, visit To view Dali’s illustrations for Inferno, visit, and for Paradiso, visit

Jane Austen: ‘Persuasion’ vs ‘Emma’

In view of CC202’s intellectual dabbling in Jane Austen’s works, the Core presents an article that argues Emma is in certain ways better than Persuasion. Here is an extract: Published posthumously, it [Persuasion] has an almost skeletal feel, like an outline in which only the most salient points about each character are noted, as if […]

David Gilmour: Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18

Core classes often explore Shakespeare’s work, and the video above illustrates the inspiration musicians can draw from it. For an article discussing Gilmour’s interpretation, visit

Salvador Dali: Dante’s Inferno

Relating to CC102’s study of Dante’s Divine Comedy are illustrations made by Salvador Dali for Inferno. Here is a sample: For the full set of images, visit To view Dali’s illustrations for Purgatorio, visit, and for Paradiso, visit

‘In The Waiting Room’ by Laura Sims

In her post for Poetry Foundation, Laura Sims discusses the strange inspiration that waiting rooms can bring, and how they can be “conducive to poetry”. Here is an extract: The speaker of Elizabeth Bishop’s ‘In the Waiting Room’ has a famously crucial moment in a doctor’s office, too. She looks around at all the adults, all the human beings […]

The Cosmic Gallery

Relating to CC105’s study of astronomy is an article from The Guardian titled ‘The Cosmic Gallery – In Pictures’. It gives beautiful depictions and descriptions of some of our galaxy’s landmarks. Here is a sample: For the full article, visit

‘How To Pronounce It’ by Alan S.C. Ross

On a lighter note, let us explore pronunciation. In his article for The Spectator, Mark Mason discusses the strange but interesting book, How To Pronounce It, written by Alan S.C. Ross in 1970. Here is a sample: It took me quite a while to be sure that the book isn’t a spoof after all. ‘Gone’, we’re told, […]

The Economist on Enjambment

The Core presents an article from The Economist, which discusses enjambment’s popularity and origins. Here is an extract: In “The Force of Poetry”, Christopher Ricks, formerly the Oxford Professor of Poetry who is now at Boston University, writes elegantly of the way enjambment can make language seem elastic: Lineation in verse creates units which may […]

William Blake’s ‘The Tyger’

Relating to CC202’s study of Blake’s work, here is an image from ‘The Tyger’      

Nabokov & His Literature Class

In his article titled ‘An A from Nabokov’, Edward Jay Epstein recounts his experience from Lit 311 at Cornell University, where he studied many of the works that the Core explores in CC202. Here is an extract: The professor was Vladimir Nabokov, an émigré from tsarist Russia. About six feet tall and balding, he stood, with […]