Category: Community

Core Professor Atema: Nerval’s Lobster

The Core presents an article by Mark Dery, in which he discusses Gérard de Nerval and his infamous “pet” lobster. Dery starts off by quoting Nerval himself: “Why should a lobster be any more ridiculous than a dog? Or a cat, or a gazelle, or a lion, or any other animal that one chooses to take […]

Vlada Brofman- Core Writing Tutor & Musician

The Core is delighted to point out that one of our very own Writing Tutors is also a talented musician! Here is a video showing her singing solo: … and another showing her in performance with her band, NoMad Dreams: Vlada and NoMad Dreams will be performing this Sunday, February 24th, at noon in the […]

Ron Rosenbaum on the Jane Austen ‘hype’

Relating to CC202’s study of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the Core offers an article by Ron Rosenbaum, titled Is Jane Austen Overhyped?- Evaluating her literary merit amid the Anniversary reverence. The subject it deals with is important, and relevant to all classics- how much good does exaggerated celebration their anniversaries really do? Here is a […]

Leonardo & Michelangelo

The Core presents an article by Michael Kammen, summarized by Arts & Letters Daily as: “One was an upstart clad in pink and purple, the other an acknowledged genius. Florence wasn’t big enough for both Michelangelo and Leonardo…” Here is a sample from the article: Leonardo, widely recognized as a genius and brilliant draughtsman — his Mona Lisa was […]


The MFA will soon present the fascinating exhibition “Samurai! Armor from the Ann and Gabriel Barbier-Mueller Collection”. It will feature the extraordinary artistry of the armor used by samurai—the military elite led by the shoguns, or warlords, of Japan from the 12th through 19th centuries. The exhibition illustrates the evolution of the distinctive appearance and […]

Adam and Dog

The Core is delighted to share with students this Oscar-nominated short animated film by Minkyu Lee, named Adam and Dog. It is a compelling take on the creation story of The Book of Genesis (studied in CC101) from the point of view of a playful dog, which comes into contact with the first man in […]

Margaret Atwood’s “The Penelopiad” at BU

The Core would like to bring to students’ attention an excellent performance which they can attend- on Sunday February 24, the CFA Department of Theatre will present Margaret Atwood’s “The Penelopiad,” a play about the women in Homer’s Odyssey. The performance will take place at 2 PM, at the Boston Center for the Arts. It […]

MassMoca Trip in March

The Core encourages students to join the BU Art History Association on a trip to MassMoca on Saturday March 2nd. MassMoca is one of the largest centers for contemporary visual and performing arts in the country (for their official site, visit The cost of the trip is $10 and includes transportation, guided tour, and box […]

Analects of the Core: Ferry on storms

In view of the coming storm tomorrow, the Core would like to remind everyone to remain calm and intellectual. To aid this process, here is a sample from David Ferry’s Epic of Gilgamesh (studied in CC101), on the relevant topic of storms: “In the early hours of the next morning dawning there was the noise of […]

Twists on John Keats

The Core presents a poem by Dan Beachy-Quick titled The Cricket and The Grasshopper, named after the poem by Romantic poet John Keats, whose work is studied in the CC202 Core class. Here is the Dan B-Q poem: The senseless leaf   in the fevered hand Grows hot, near blood-heat, but never grows Green. Weeks ago the […]