An Open Letter To The MBTA

Dear MBTA,

Let me start by saying this- I really, really don’t like the Green Line. Red Line, perfectly okay with me. Silver Line to the Airport, whatever. But as a student living and depending on the Green Line, I can wholeheartedly say that the MBTA system is brutal.

It starts every morning, around 8:30AM. I get to the Pleasant Street stop for the 57 bus. Twenty minutes later, two buses have gone by without stopping. I cross to the B Line T stop, at which point a T either: a) passes without stopping, b) stops 100 feet before the platform to let passengers off without letting anyone on, or c) keeps the doors closed and doesn’t let new passengers board.

the T

For a perfect example, yesterday morning. At 8:15, I attempted to board a T heading to work. Three buses and two T’s had already passed, per usual, without any stops. As I was heading to a film shoot at Fenway Park, I didn’t want to be late for the taping. The T that pulled up had two cars. The first driver told me to go to the second train. The next driver stated that I had to use the rear doors, which he swiftly closed as I started to walk away. He then waved as the T pulled away from the stop.

So here’s my issue, MBTA. In a city where 1 in 5 people is a college student, why is it that the service on the B Line is so atrocious? As a public transportation system, why is it that college students, arguably a large demographic of your clients, are constantly failed by your services? You’re late for work, class, or an internship? Let me guess- the T didn’t come, or the bus didn’t stop.

Maybe you just didn’t notice. I don’t know how that would be possible, but maybe you overlooked the Green Line. Or, maybe you just don’t care. But we do.

The Students of the B Line

BU Gets Sorted

Hey there Terriers,

So I'm doing a little self-promotion today in the form of Boston University Quidditch (<-- check out our new site!). Keep reading, though, because what I've got is pretty cool.

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Tonight at 730pm, the BUQ captains are gathering to sort the nearly 150 team members that will be competing in this year's BU Quidditch league. "The draft" will be viewable via twitter, where @BUQuidditch will be tweeting out live updates of who is going where. So what will you be? A Hippogriff, a Nargle, a Mandrake or a Phoenix?

Not all of you will be lucky enough to join me on the Man(ly)drakes... sorry. But make sure to come to NICKERSON FIELD at 4pm on Sunday to see the official Sorting Ceremony take place. It'll be a great time.

Also in the quidditch world: BU is preparing its tournament team for this year's world cup which will be held on Randall's Island in New York city. Those of you who don't know, that's an epic sports complex, complete with a 20,000 person stadium where the championship will be held. Yeah... quidditch is legit. With 100 teams competing (around 500 worldwide, and BU ranked 5th) it's going to be one of the most stunning college sporting events of 2011.

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Whether you come as a fan, or come to laugh, you won't be disappointed by what you see at the World Cup. It's an aggressive, face-paced, full-contact sport, but at the end of the day, we're playing with brooms and we know that. Deep down though, I know you'll want to join.

We hope to see you, Sunday! Until then, keep being you, BU.


Be sure to LIKE BU Quidditch on facebook.

Warby Parker: You’ll Thank Me Later

Hey BU!

Need a new pair of thick-rimmed glasses to add to your already beyond hipster collection? Need a new pair of glasses period? Meet my newest love, and soon to be yours, Warby Parker.



Lucky for you, you have the chance to meet Warby Parker co-founder Neil Blumenthal, who will be speaking at Boston University's School of Management on Thursday, September 22 from 5:30 to 7 pm. This is an amazing opportunity to meet the brains behind an organization that delivers quality and fashionable glasses on a budget, all the while doing their part in bettering the world. For every eyewear purchase, Warby Parker donates a pair to someone in need. Karma at its finest folks.

The fantastic people behind Warby Parker have provided me with the background behind this ambitious and amazing company:

“A collaboration between four close friends, Warby Parker was conceived as an alternative to the overpriced and bland eyewear available today.Prescription eyewear simply should not cost $300+. By circumventing traditional channels and engaging with their customers directly through their website, Warby Parker is able to provide higher-quality, better looking prescription eyewear for under $100. The Warby Parker collection of 27 limited run styles, plus one monocle has an aesthetic that is vintage-inspired, with a fashion forward twist.

Eyewear with a Purpose: Warby Parker believes that everyone has the right to see. Unfortunately, millions of people around the world today don’t have access to proper vision care. To help address this problem, Warby Parker partners with renowned non-profits, such as, to deliver one pair of glasses to someone in need for every pair that they sell. In doing so, they enable their customers to share the gift of vision with someone who can’t see today and give them the opportunity to read, to work and to live a fuller life.”

If I haven't convinced you by now, the following video should do it for you. Don't miss your chance to check these guys out tomorrow at SMG! And for the shopping impulsive like myself (this is an attribute, don't be ashamed!) check out their pop up showroom at Stel's on 334 Newbury Street Thursday evening!

Get your inner Clark Kent on BU!


An Open Letter to the Boston Globe

Dear Boston Globe,

Recently, you released your sixth annual list of the "25 Most Stylish Bostonians," and, for the sixth year in a row, you have made a grave oversight. While I can't argue with many of the people on your list, I am rather affronted that you chose to include, say, Bruins right wing Brad Marchand, over a certain Dean of Students of a certain local University. Marchand may be a master on the ice, but when it comes to fashion, we here at BU have it all over him. (Even his teammates agree that he might not have been the best choice for the list. "Maybe [the list] was printed wrong?" asked Bruin Nathan Horton.)

Next year, why not consider a true beacon of Boston style?

Look at that bow tie!

Look at that bow tie!

Around BU's campus, it's hard to beat our very own Dean of Students when it comes to flair and style. (Some would even go so far as to call it "swag.") Whether he's rocking some fly kicks, a bow tie, or a cool hat...

Note the masterful coordination and layering! (As well as the super fly hat.)

Note the masterful coordination and layering! (As well as the super fly hat.)

...this man knows style! Where is his recognition, Boston Globe? This student blogger hopes to see Dean Elmore find a place on your list next year.

Until then, if you want to come to a cool event and trade style tips with a Dean who's always ahead of the fashion curve, mark your calendars for THE fashion event of the fall season, the Kick Off/Launch Party for the OoO Tie-made BU Bow Tie. The event will be at the BU Pub, but never fear, youngsters, for this special night, it will be 18+! Hope to see you on Saturday October 22 from 8:00pm till 11:00pm. (We'll have food and appetizers for you – drinks are on you.)

Hope to see you there, BU - and Boston Globe, if you want to swing by...well, let's talk fashion.

Cheers, Terriers!

What Do You Love?

Hey Terriers,

Recently, our office has been talking a lot about what makes BU students tick. What's your passion, what fuels you day to day? For me, as cheesy as it sounds, I'm inspired by the BU community. There are so many awesome people around this large urban community that honestly care about the University.

Check out this Google webpage, called "What Do You Love?"

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Tell us what you love, BU.

Happy Monday!


The Facts: Partying in Allston

Hey Terriers,

budweiser-bottle-lightsLet's reel things in a minute and get honest about BU's nightlife. Students, whether above or below the legal drinking age, know where to go if they want to take part in some not-so-legal partying. I'm not saying everyone does it, because there are many students who prefer other activities, but if you're looking to go out,  almost everyone who attends BU is familiar with one part of our community: Allston.

We've all been to the GAP and I'm not talking about the clothing store. Gardner, Ashford and Pratt are hot-spots for evening gatherings during the weekend and during the first few months of school you can guarantee seeing hordes of freshman (traveling in packs of 20) enjoying their youthful freedom.


Boston Police, not just BUPD, are always looking to crack down. You can't fault them; it's their job. If you don't want to get in trouble, don't do stupid things. It's hard being a student and hearing that one of your classmates was arrested for urinating on a police car when you do all you can to be responsible with your decisions.

If a cop enters the party you're at and tells you to put down your drinks, do it. You're not impressing anyone by chugging a beer in front of the cop and winding up in handcuffs. No matter what you've learned from movies, games and tv shows, it's not cool to stand up to a cop who's doing their job. Just roll with it.

So, my fellow Terriers. When you go out this weekend, be smart. Have a drink if that's the risk you want to take, but don't get out of control and embarrass yourself by ending up in judicial affairs (or worse, jail).

For now, keep being you, BU, and have a good time.


Passion for the People

Hey BU!

So, how exactly does a school of over 4,500 students form a community? Passion. Our own Dean of Students, Dean Elmore, most prominently embodies this passion. Not only is his eagerness to connect with students, faculty and staff beyond commendable, it is genuine.

This honest ambition to connect with students and create community can be noticed within minutes, as one BU parent noticed and shared with the world. The Huffington Post published this amazing article, detailing how the smallest gesture of helping students looking at campus maps can create a feeling of community and care. The author of the article, Lisa Earle McLeod, explains the campus wide initiative that, as a rule, all staff and faculty must stop to help students looking at campus maps.


This may seem like a trivial matter in the grand scheme of things, but being recognized and helped by your professors and administration at BU creates a ripple effect that results in community. You may not have to help someone up and down Comm Ave, but it never helps to just throw a simple smile at a passerby.

Keep doing what BU does best terriers!


P.S. This is not my attempt at getting a raise! But I mean it wouldn’t hurt of course…

Still haven’t figured out how to spend your precious spare time?

Hi BU! It's so awesome to see so many people back on campus - we'd been kind of lonely all summer. Hope everyone is settling in - I myself have not slept through my alarm once so far this semester! (Not to jinx it or anything...)

If you're a freshman, you've probably been to Splash! and have since been inundated with emails from all the groups you signed up with. If you didn't go to Splash!, don't worry - there is still time to get involved! And, if you're a returning Terrier, you'll want to pay attention to this too - why not try something new this semester?

Why, yes, we DO have a chess club!

Why, yes, we DO have a chess club!

The Student Activities Office, or 'SAO' as we call it around here, is hosting their annual Fall Activities Expo TODAY FROM 3-6PM in the GSU Plaza and Metcalf Ballroom! There are tons of awesome student groups looking for new members - why not spend some of your precious free time baking with CAKE? (That's the Culinary Arts and Kitchen Entertainment Club, if you didn't know.) Or, chill with the Cigar Aficionado Society!

Hope to see you there - I have to admit, I'm already ridiculously busy, but, as I typed up this blog post, I somehow found myself convinced that, just maybe...if I budget my time really carefully...I could join the Outing Club for some nice, relaxing hikes on the weekends.

Until next time, my wonderful little Terriers!


BU Blogs Get Recognized by BostInnovation

Hey Terriers!

As your favorite always-tweeting-social-media-obsessed blogger, I was personally beyond excited to hear that BostInnovation was recognizing Boston University for our strong blogging presence. Check out this awesome article to discover some other blogs within the BU community!


As the semester kicks off, be sure to stay tuned for a daily look inside The Dean of Students Office here at BU.

Until next time, Terriers!


A Taste of the VMA’s at BU

Hey there, Terriers!

Miss me? I know you did. But no worries because I'm back in the office and full of knowledge you're all dying to know about.

First, the new website IS COMING. We apologize for the delay, but check our twitter for the latest updates as we launch the new face of FYI.

Now for the important stuff (you know, the stuff related to the title of the blog). Tonight, yes tonight, BU Central presents Young the Giant performing at BU in the GSU Metcalf. Not sure who that is? Well then clearly you didn't watch them sing at the VMA's and absolutely kill it with their indy tunes and (likely intoxicated) vocals.

young-the-giant-vmaSo what are you going to do? Get to the GSU as soon as possible. Doors open at 8:30 but something tells me you'll need to get there a bit sooner and wait in line. The show begins at 9:30 and will be be an undoubtedly good time. This is your chance to see a rising band up close and personal, Terriers, so do it now and do it while it's FREE. Yup, the show is free with your BU ID.

Hurry! People might be in line already!

Until next time, keep being you BU.
