Category: Fall 2016

Belief, and Questioning

In my post from last week, I mentioned two things about myself: one is that I study neuroscience, and the other is that I happen to work at Marsh Chapel. This speaks to the fact that science and religion overlap significantly in my life on campus. You are as likely to find me doing neuroscience […]

More Alive

Hello, my name is Nick Rodriguez, and this is my first blog post in the Marsh Vocation Internship blog. I am a Junior in the College of Engineering studying Computer Engineering. I have spent time in leadership as the Vice-President of SojournBU, a Christian student organization in Boston University’s wonderful, vibrant, and diverse spiritual life. […]

Coming Home

I have a complicated relationship with ‘home’. It’s something I’ve continually struggled to define since my sophomore year of high school when my family moved to Holden Village, WA. A small intentional community grounded in the ELCA Lutheran tradition, Holden Village is a community that is constantly in flux, as most people stay for a […]

Reflections and Readjustments

I had the summer of a lifetime. Boston University was my school at the end of May, now I consider it home. I can’t thank God enough for putting me in the position he did this summer. I grew as a person and as a believer. I’ll explain one small part of my summer and […]


My name is Denise-Nicole Stone, I’m a sophomore studying International Relations, and I’m from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In my room here, I have a handful of pictures hanging on my wall. They depict family and friends in some of my favorite places. Recently, I have spent a lot of time looking at one picture in particular. […]

Nationalism in Church

And so it begins, school is ‘finally’ back. I put finally in quotes because I don’t think it stopped over the so-called summer that I had. But that is less of an issue and more of an inconvenience that I am milking. In all honesty, I am truly blessed and excited to be back in […]

First Sight, Second Thoughts

“First Sight means you can see what really is there, and Second Thoughts mean thinking about what you are thinking. And in Tiffany’s case, there were sometimes Third Thoughts and Fourth Thoughts although these…sometimes led her to walk into doors.”   –Terry Pratchett My name is Ian. I am a senior studying neuroscience at Boston […]