Category: Fall 2017

My Word of the Week

Listen (v.)- to hear something with thoughtful attention This week I’ve realized I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what I’m going to say. I even typed, deleted and re-typed that sentence four times. But it’s usually more important than that. I find myself thinking more about my responses than what others are […]

He Has Made Me Glad

This week I came upon an organist and musician by the name of Cory Henry. He is the frontman for a group by the name of the Funk Apostles, as well as a regular organist and music leader for a number of churches around the nation. One piece of his in particular stood out to me […]

week two.

The rhythm seems a lot easier to get back into the third time around. I’ve powered through the freshman rollercoaster and moved past the woes of sophomore year. Junior year I hope to surround myself with people that genuinely want to see my grow and succeed. I’ve always been extroverted and a people person, however, […]

Sinusoidal Functions and Balance

I remember — two years ago — being in my Differential Equations class and learning about the Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model. I found it (and many other mathematical models like it) to be fascinating! The predator-prey model is a differential equation that describes (oftentimes) two sinusoidal wave functions that impact each other in this specific way: […]

Do I belong?

I am not supposed to be here. I’m about to start my fourth year as an undergrad and I’m a Junior, I should probably clarify that I’m also a transfer. But really, I’m not supposed to be here. I was born pre-maturely at six months with a few complications that could’ve taken the life of […]


Another new year is beginning at Marsh Chapel and my academic career at BU is now in its second year. My first year at BU taught me to think more deeply and consider why things are rather than accepting the way they are. This year, I hope to consider how and where I spend my […]

Junior Campaign

As I begin my junior campaign here at Boston University, I feel the pressure of the moment and the need to do something. There has to be a focus this year. Moves have to be made and I met push myself to new heights. The pressure comes from myself, it’s what’s gotten me thus far. […]

Last Firsts

Hello, my name is Nick Rodriguez, and this is my last first blog post in the Marsh Vocation Internship blog. I am a senior here at Boston University studying Computer Engineering(woot woot Senior Design). This year, I am the President of SojournBU and the Vice-President of EpiscopalBU, two of the Christian student groups on campus. They […]

Good Trouble

It is good to be back at school, but I had a great summer. It was hard to leave. I have struggled to explain why this summer was so special to me, because while I had great experiences none of them truly stand out. Its meaning came from a series of small moments that together prompted […]

Starting from Somewhere

And so begins my first blog post as a Marsh Associate! My name is Maritt Nowak, and I’m a senior majoring in international relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies and minoring in religion here at Boston University. I’m infinitely happy to begin my internship at Marsh, and especially excited to be […]