Tag Archives: CELOP History

The World of CELOP 40 Years Ago

Close your eyes and imagine the world of CELOP students and teachers in 1975. If you think it wasn’t that different, those of us who were around and cognizant in the 70’s could tell you quite a different story.

Our view of technology and the things we take for granted were quite a bit bigger and more cumbersome, but exciting, nonetheless. Computers were fairly large and desktops were starting to become more common in offices and various jobs. The link below shows the history of computers and where we were in 1975 in their development and use.



Popular cars were sometimes revival hotrods from the late 60’s or decked out vans and sedans with long low front ends. Although humans have been proud of their cars since they first arrived, people in the 70’s were often very proud of their great rides and vans with extra accessories. With the exception of the uber rich, most cars before the 70’s came with basic essentials. The birth of the decked out van and sedan or Cadillac came with added accessories, implying a lifestyle shift from basic commuter to using cars for pleasure and leisure time. The advent of drive-in movies of earlier decades added to this idea.

Clothing  Styles


1975 saw a shift from the hippie era to the disco era. Indian print shirts, fringes, and extra wide bell-bottom pants adorned many. There were matching pantsuits, make-up in bold colors, or those who preferred the natural only look. Fake fur in bright colors showed up on many outfits. Women started to wear more suit ensembles for work, usually consisting of jackets with wide lapels and/or a matching shirt or turtleneck. High boots also accompanied skirts and dresses. Women wore platform shoes, often hidden beneath elephant bell-bottom pants. Men also wore bell-bottom or flared pants and shirts with wide lapels and partially open on the neckline. Pantsuits for both men and women were often matching. Women’s one-piece jumpsuits were also popular. The materials of clothes changed from more natural styles like cotton or suede to super shiny or silky shirts, ushered in by the disco era. Men wore shoes with heels and both men and women wore tight form fitting pants in shiny or silky fabrics.

Hair Styles

Hair went from being long on both men and women to becoming bigger in volume. Many sported afro style hair and the previous decade of ironing hair made way for lots of big curls and hair spray. Disco hair for both men and women was heavily styled and sprayed. Feathered and layered haircuts, blow dried back and sprayed with a surplus of hairspray were also popular.

Life in the 70's was generally an exciting time of personal freedom and expression.  Many were determined to put their energy into humanity and into making the world a better place for everyone. There was a shift in thought from personal gain to community. Focus on individual style and a movement towards further personal growth, helped some people to become the idealists they are today.

Photo credits and sources;


Unique Gifts CELOP Teachers Have Received from the Past 40 Years

curated by Elsie Seber

Kim Perkins

  • A beautiful pashmina
  • a Japanese silk evening bag
  • a necklace
  • a pair of earrings

Joey Nevarez

12002843_10100291425338361_5739859534563662360_nIn the Hosei program this summer, I had mentioned my love of kale a couple times. It probably came up first when I took the students to the grocery store in our food unit, where we did some tasting and talked about why the food is organized the way it is. On the last day, my students presented me with a goodbye gift: a bouquet of kale! I loved it and thought it was so weird and surprisingly thoughtful. I'm attaching a picture, along with a  pictures I took a field trip with my first class at CELOP (summer 2014).

Jacquie Loconte

The most interesting gift that I received from a student was a 5 foot tall stuffed llama from Peru. When I took it home, my cat was terrified of it. One semester a Kuwaiti student gave me, my daughter and every girl in the class a gold necklace!!! That same student also gave me a long gold dress and a head to toe black veil.  Some classes chipped in to give me a Mikimoto pearl necklace, a Tiffany necklace, a Cartier pen and a Swarovski necklace and earrings!!!! I’ve gotten lots of little knickknacks and cat things since students know I love cats.

Dates, teas, bottles of wine have also been common gifts.