Tag Archives: Neighborhoods of Boston

Welcome to Medford, MA!

Entering MedfordI think everyone is familiar with Cambridge, across the river from Boston and even Somerville next to Cambridge.   But have your ever heard of Medford? This city is my home and is worth a visit.

Medford, 4 miles northwest of Boston, has a variety of neighborhoods. The city has a significant Italian population and great Italian restaurants and bakeries. The city also includes a large number of Irish-Americans and African-Americans. Moreover, West Medford is where the wealthy live.

Tufts UniversityTufts University, known for its medical and dental school and the Fletcher School of Diplomacy is an important institution in Medford. Tufts offers myriad activities for the community, families, and children all year round. This is how they give back to the city.

Amelia Earhart’s Home

Amelia EarhartAn interesting fact that I just learned is that you can see the residence or home of Amelia Earhart. She was the first American woman who piloted a transatlantic flight on July 17, 1928. She lived in Medford from birth until she made that very famous flight across the Atlantic Ocean.


Pomp’s Wall

Pomps Wall 1
Pomps Wall 2
Snowy Medford

Pomp’s Wall is another new site for me.

In 1638 the first African-Americans to arrive in Medford were slaves, probably part of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. They usually worked for rich landowners. Pomp, one of these slaves, built a wall around the Brooks family’s estate (left) on Grove Street near the center of the city. Today part of the wall still stands (right) and is known as Pomp’s Wall. It serves to remind us of the building skill of this man at that time. The Brooks family donated the wall to the city in 1924.

Today probably one of the very nicest elements of the city where I live is that you can get to know your neighbors very well. People are friendly and like to help each other. They will even lend a hand when there’s a problem like shoveling out your driveway.

If you ever decide to come and visit Medford, just let me know and I’ll show you around!

Photo Credits

  • Welcome to Medford
  • Tufts University
  • Amelia Earhart
  • Pomp’s Wall, Slaves Contributions
  • Medford Historical Organization
  • Winter scene
    Maria’s phone 2 storms ago