How Do I Know I’m in the Right Major?

By Charlie McMahon (SAR ’23)

One of the great, but often intimidating, parts of college is choosing a major. For many students, this is the first time you have real control over what you are actually going to study. For some, it may feel liberating. For others, daunting. I am here to offer some advice about the process both before entering BU and after matriculating.

First, what actually is a major? The best way I can describe a major is a specific pathway through a college or university. While you will always have some freedom in the courses you take, a major has specific requirements and often includes a suggested timeline for when you should complete each course. Many majors often have overlapping courses, so you will definitely be interacting with students from all across the school, regardless of what you study.

As you apply to schools, many applications will ask for your “intended major” or “major of interest.” Some people come into college knowing exactly what they want to do, while some people have no idea. Whatever situation you find yourself in is totally ok! If you’re feeling lost and overwhelmed, I would recommend browsing the course catalogues online to see what classes different majors require. While short descriptions do not do justice to what actually goes on in the classroom, often you can get a good feel for what the class may be like. If you’re feeling truly lost, many schools have “Undeclared” options, where you can sample a bunch of classes from a variety of disciplines before choosing what suits you best after a year or two.

Now we are going to jump ahead a bit. Imagine you have matriculated, enrolled and are going to classes. College life can be difficult at times. It is an adjustment from high school, and everyone will make the change at their own pace. It is totally normal to begin questioning your path after matriculation. I would honestly be a bit concerned if one didn’t question what they were doing at least once or twice!

Here is the most important part of this post: how do you know you are in the right major? Obviously, there is no magic formula that tells you if you are on the right path. Rather it is highly individualistic. However, as someone who loves their major and has been in the program since matriculation, I can offer a few pieces of advice or “wisdom” I have picked up along my path in the Human Physiology program.

Like I said previously, questioning is incredibly important. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your classes, it is vital to stop yourself and ask what your motivations are. Are you studying this topic because it is truly interesting to you? Perhaps there is family (or even internal) pressure to go into a specific field. The most important question to ask yourself is “Am I happy?”

I cannot sit here and pretend that the act of taking a Chemistry or Physics exam makes me happy. However, when I am feeling overwhelmed, I often find it helpful to look at the bigger picture. Though I do not enjoy the stress before an exam, I generally do enjoy going to my lectures everyday and find myself excited to learn more about the topics relevant to my major. I love making connections across disciplines, like when Biology and Chemistry interact in Systems Physiology. For me, the tradeoff of my love for, and general interest in, the disciplines outweighs the frustration and temporary stress of exams and deadlines.

If you ask yourself this question and realize that you aren’t happy or excited by your classes, I would challenge you to ask yourself a further question – is it just one class or is this a trend? You will take so many classes with so many different professors. As professors are people too, you will click with some and not others. Unfortunately, sometimes this personal connection carries over into the classroom. You are bound to have some professors that do not fit your exact learning style every once and while. No one is expecting you to love every single class you take. If you notice that this unhappiness seems to be a relatively isolated incident, I would make note of it, but carry on.

If you notice that this unhappiness seems to be a trend within your courses, then it is probably time to meet with an advisor. They can help you to figure out exactly what about your program may not be the right fit and potentially help you adjust to a better suited curriculum.

My parting piece of advice is this: when you are really stressed and frustratingly asking yourself “why did I have to pick this major,” ask yourself, “what would I be doing if I wasn’t studying this topic?” Personally, I do not have an answer to this question. As I said, I cannot say I love writing out my Chemistry mechanisms in a high stress timed environment, but when I picture myself doing something different, it just does not feel right. This grounding exercise can be quite helpful when I am overwhelmed. It forces me to think about what I appreciate about my program and consistently for me, the positives outweigh the negatives.

Thus, unfortunately, there is no magic way to know if you are in the right major. It will take some introspection and reflection, and perhaps a late night venting session with a friend over a T. Anthony’s mozzarella stick pizza, but you will find your path eventually! It is also important to note that what is best for a friend might not be best for you. College is a personal experience, so try to resist the urge to compare yourself to others. You are only competing against yourself, regardless of what anyone else may tell you! So take some time to figure out what you like best, what motivates you and how you can incorporate that into your studies. It’ll be so much better in the end!

My Experience with KHC Co-curriculars

By Jan Bhatt (CAS'23)

As an ambassador and peer mentor, the most common question I’ve received is about what KHC co-curriculars are, and what my co-curricular experiences have been like. So I’m going to talk about my favorite co-curriculars today! My freshman year, we were required to attend 3 co-curriculars per semester, which has since been reduced to 2 per semester. My favorite experience was the book reading and lecture with Angie Cruz. She is one of my favorite authors. We read her novel Dominicana in my KHC studio freshman year, and ever since she has become an author that I highly admire and relate to as an immigrant myself. She read excerpts from her novel and talked abundantly about her experiences as an immigrant and as an author, and it was incredible to have the opportunity to ask questions to and directly hear from someone I look up to. She is an inspiration to me and this KHC’s co-curricular event was a dream come true. 

The most memorable, impactful and knowledgeable conversation that I have ever had was also during a KHC co-curricular. The co-curricular was about Dawnland, a documentary celebrating the Native American community and highlighting the atrocities committed against them in the past that we also had the opportunity to watch during Studio freshman year. KHC hosted the makers of the documentary and held a Q&A about the film. It was incredibly illuminating, as the talk allowed me to better comprehend the range of perspectives of people from the Native American community, and internalize the fact that I and every non-Native American person in America is on stolen land. I still have a poster that they gave out by the end of the co-curricular hanging on my wall, I have been bringing it with me from home to my dorm room, back and forth ever since the event. It reads “You are on indigenous land.” It challenged my perception of the world by highlighting how successfully the Native American identity has been erased from this country, and helped me to reflect on and reduce my own ignorance and lack of understanding regarding the issue. 

Overall, every KHC co-curricular has taught me and exposed me to new interdisciplinary perspectives, and I am so grateful for the learning opportunities that they have presented to me.

How Making Your Own Time Keeps You Balanced

By Morgan Donohue (CAS'22)

It is easy to get caught up in school assignments, work tasks, club responsibilities, and general life commitments. Once the semester really kicks into gear and your to-do list gets longer, the urge to just work can get really strong. For me, little daily rituals and personal to-do lists help me make myself as much of a priority as my school work, and help me stay refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

In terms of daily rituals, I like to find parts of my day when I can be quiet, sit back, and take some deep breaths. I like to make sure that I drink water and do some stretching before I check my phone in the morning, and even then I only download a podcast to listen to during my run. When I make breakfast, I take it over to my comfy chair by the window and sit in a warm sunny spot to eat. I like to plan my day out while I drink coffee. At night, after dinner and dishes, I make a pot of tea and sit down to do the last of my work for the day. One of my favorite parts of the day is right before bed when I like to journal and then read before I turn out the light. I am currently working my way through Anna Karenina, a couple of chapters every night.

The great thing about little rituals like these is that they are built-in checkpoints in the day that, once you start, become routine. I do not have to carve out time in my day to sit down for this because it is infused into my routine. Even short moments let you relax, take stock, and prepare for the next thing you have to do.

I have also become a huge fan of personal to-do lists. Over the past couple of years, I started writing down a few things that I wanted to do each day, whether it was to do the crossword in the newspaper or to go out for lunch with friends. I do this every morning while I plan my day out over my coffee, and while the rituals I have let me slow down and check in with myself, my personal list makes having fun and enjoying non-academic and non-work activities a priority for me as well.

When life gets busy, it is easy to slip in to the habit of class, work, sleep, repeat. By making sure that you have your own time and priorities, you are more likely to be excited for each day and enjoy your classes and work even more than you would already. I believe that college is a great opportunity to find what balance means for you. I cannot recommend enough finding times to wind down during your day and finding a way to make your wellbeing as important as your assignments.

How Friendships Bloom

By Gabriela Morgan Longo (CAS’22)

College has taught me that friendships bloom in unexpected circumstances and despite our most embarrassing shortcomings or insecurities.

For example, my now close and supportive relationship with my freshman year roommates defies the reservations I had about living with “strangers” and the clumsiness with which our interactions started. Even if the general adage is that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression, my personal experience is solid evidence that you can overcome many initial social blunders with hundreds of subsequent interactions that better reveal your true nature and lead to genuine bonds of friendship.

As soon as I accepted my admission to BU, I became rattled by nerves. I had chosen a school far from home, where I would be forced to meet and live with new people. I’d have to share a room with strangers! This initial apprehension did not allow me to do any Facebook introductions or anything like that before I came to the deadline on filling out my dorm room application. Therefore, I was filling the form in the dark and putting my name in the random draw.

When I got 4 names back my restlessness increased. I was assigned to a suite where I would have to share my room with not one, but TWO strangers! I received 4 names and a room number, but other than that I had no idea how to reach out to them. I checked my email all the time and searched every social media platform I knew but couldn’t find any matches for the names I was given. Finally, sometime in July, I got an email from BU Housing in my personal account inbox telling me I could find information about my housing assignment in my school associated email account. My school associated email!?! I did not know I had one of those! Low and behold, as soon as I signed in to the me account tons of emails answering every question I had about college sat waiting for me, including, of course, an email from my suitemate Jillian with a phone number and an invitation to join a suitemates groupchat. My first message to that groupchat was something along the lines of “Hi guys! Sorry I missed all the introductions but I don’t know anything about college :/”. So that was my first impression!

Bumbling and nervous and probably a little goofy… I worried about this first impression for days. The first impression I made on my roommates was a text message I sent in a suite groupchat which I joined weeks after my other four suitemates had been using it to share their hopes and expectations for a wonderful new year. So, I started our relationship by having to explain to my “future best friends” (hopefully) that I had not been ignoring them during those weeks but that I simply had been clueless about the separate email for all things BU and had, therefore, been completely unaware of ALL the updates and information related to college and dorm and roommate assignments for over a month. For days after sending that text I worried that my suitemates would perceive this opening faux pas as evidence of the fact that I was too goofy to befriend. Somehow, however, the incident that I worried had painted me as clueless and bumbling had been perceived by my kind suitemates as sincere, nice, and maybe the sweet expressions of shyness.

Luckily, that dopey first impression ended up being less impactful than the subsequent hundreds of interactions we shared after move-in. The first night we all slept in the room, my roommate Mira and I went out for a walk, shared our concerns and expectations for our college years and ended up clicking immediately; talking and sharing our thoughts as if we had been friends for years. When I was late to class on my first day, my roommates Mira and Caro helped me collect myself as I rushed to get across campus and earned my devotion due to the tender kindness with which they tolerated my flustered nervousness. As the days and weeks went by, we shared our apprehensions by bringing each other sweets when we got back from class and we walked together into our neighbors’ rooms to introduce ourselves and develop new bonds and friendships. Day by day, one small kindness after another made us an inseparable unit and created shared memories and joys that bonded us together. The transition from strangers to friends was so seamless that I can’t remember or pinpoint when or how it happened. I am certain today, however, that these unexpected interactions with the “strangers” assigned by BU Housing to live with me have made college not only bearable, but fun.

Photo credit: Gabi Morgan Longo

How to Remain Organized

By Carolina Becerril (SAR’22)

I graduated high school with both excitement and fear as I knew I was embarking on a completely unknown experience. While I was preoccupied with meeting new people and becoming as involved as I possibly could, I paid little to no attention to my study habits, organization and time-management skills. In my head, I had mastered them in the little time that 4 years really is, so really what was there to worry about? Turns out I just needed a little humbling. Over the last few years, I’ve taken the hardest lessons and turned them into tips I would give to first year students, just like you!

1. Find a system that works for YOU (aka what works for others might not work for you and that’s ok)

If you’re anything like me and love learning how others organize their work, you know that it’s easy to want to do the same for yourself, but that doesn’t always work. Some people can simply write down what they need to do on a sticky note, others can set reminders on their phones or even rely on their own memory. For me, unfortunately, that’s not the case. I personally heavily rely on my good old paper agenda for school work aka any assignments, projects, exams, etc. as well as any tasks I might have for my job as a resident assistant. In addition to my paper agenda, I use google calendar as my “master calendar”. I have essentially everything I do in this calendar: school, work, meetings, advising, clubs, etc. As overwhelming as it might sound, it has helped me remain organized and on top of what I need to do. However, this is what works for ME and I encourage you to try out different systems and truly understand what works best for you. Do your own research, watch youtube videos (highly recommend checking out my friend’s YT channel: Mira Dhakal) and try different combinations of different resources. It’s ok if things don’t work out the first, second, third, fourth time. I’ll talk about why you shouldn’t worry about this soon. Hold on tight for me.

2. Attend workshops offered around campus on time-management and organization

Boston University has a Center for Career Development that offers a variety of really useful and informative workshops on a myriad of topics. They often host workshops on time-management skills, studying strategies, organization, etc. I would highly recommend attending these as they are a great resource on campus! Additionally, you can always feel free to ask advisors for more information on this.

3. Have a designated work/study space

Something that I find is JUST as important as having a good organizational system is having a designated work/study space. I’ve found (especially during this pandemic) that it can get really tricky and overwhelming quite quickly to get work done when you mix your social or “me” space with your study space, like studying in your room. While that might work for some people, I think it is highly beneficial to separate your rest space from the space where you spend time working hard on assignments and studying for exams. It doesn’t matter what that looks like, it could be a library, a coffee shop, a study space on or off campus, just make sure you find a space that best fits your needs and goals!

4. Most importantly, be willing to fail

Something that I wish I would’ve understood my first year is how important it is to be willing to fail. I wish I would’ve understood that failure is your friend rather than your enemy. I think it’s important to know that finding what best works for you and what will yield you the best results (academically and personally) will take a while, and even when you DO find that works best for you, you might still have to change it! My willingness to try out different ways to stay organized has led me to where I am now, where I feel like I have a good system but I’m still happy and excited to see how this will change to make me a better student.

I hope this was in some way helpful. Don’t ever hesitate to ask for help and use the resource you have available to you. Good luck!