Category: Denise-Nicole

Different Shades

Once, during a neighborhood pick-up game of basketball, my friend said “You know everyone sees color differently, right?”.  I have no idea what the context of this was, but I remember nodding along, filing this random fact away in my brain and telling him to check up. I would think about it in passing  from […]

The Colors of Music

On May 13, 2016 hip-hop recording artist Chance the Rapper released his third mixtape entitled Coloring Book. The mixtape features collaborations from musicians such as Kanye West, Francis and the Lights, Justin Beiber, Kurt Franklin, and the Chicago Children’s Choir. The album received widespread acclaim for its fusion of hip-hop and gospel sounds. For many, […]


I have always loved Thanksgiving. It is time for rest, reflection, appreciation, football, being with family and friends and green bean casserole. But this year in particular, Thanksgiving came at an important moment. November was a hard. The mountain of work and effort of processing was draining. By Thanksgiving break, I was physically and emotionally […]

Sabbath Moments

I’ve recently taken to the idea of “Sabbath Moments”. Sabbath moments are those things that we do for ourselves, to slow down, to maintain our sanity, to notice the divine. In the past few weeks those moments have become even more important. The number of assignments steadily increased, the responsibilities to extra-curricular groups, family and […]

more to do

“[referencing Martin Luther King Jr] the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. But here’s the thing. It does not bend on its own. It bends because each of us, in our own way, put our hands on that arc and we bend it towards justice”-President Barack Obama Last night […]

This I Believe

I love books. Reading has always been a way for me to recharge. Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed or upset. Whenever I have time to spare or am having a really good day, I usually end up at Half Price Books. This summer, on one of my many trips there, I found a book titled […]

Blessed Be the Peacemakers

Blessed be the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9) Recently, when I check my phone I find it flooded by news and opinion pieces. These updates have been less-than peace inducing. I am repeatedly met with stories of senseless deaths, the continuing violence around the world, the rhetoric of an […]

Practicing Gratitude

I have recently gotten really into podcasts. The other day I was listening to a Ted talk podcast done by NPR that featured A.J. Jacobs. Jacobs is the author of A Year of Living Biblically. In this book, Jacobs discusses his attempt to follow every commandment of the Bible for a year and how this […]

Exciting Meetings

I have been in meetings for the United Methodist Church a lot these past two weeks. Eight days in a row to be exact-with some travel in between. It was at times physically exhausting, at times emotionally draining, but also incredibly inspiring. Despite the ways in which meetings can bog us down, I feel so […]


One of my favorite verses of the Bible is from Psalm 46, “Be still and know that I am God”. I have always been drawn to it. I think there is something really beautiful and deeply assuring about that sentence and about stillness and quiet. I love it, yet I have also always struggled with […]