Category: Fall 2016

There’s Still Hope

Two weeks ago I wrote, one of the most painful and personal blogs I have ever written. It hurt. Every word hit my heart in ways I couldn’t imagine. I had the opportunity to talk through my thoughts with various leaders here at Marsh, the support I received from people of color and particularly, people […]

Jonah and Jeremiah

I don’t want to write this blog post. When I went to bed last night, I had absolutely no ideas for my next post and hoped I would think of something to write about by the time I woke up. This morning, I still had nothing and the blank space on the page seemed to […]

Lose the sandals

After we finished our introductions in Sojourn, we began our discussion of the passage in our usual Sojourn way: we talked about what stuck out to us and discussed what we thought about the themes surrounding the passage. Right now, we are going through the Epistle to the Ephesians. This week, the author(is it Paul? […]

Panta Rhei

There is a saying in Ancient Greek, attributed to the philosopher Heraclitus. That phrase, in Greek, is “τὰ πάντα ῥεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει” (ta panta rhei kai ouden menei). It roughly translates to, “everything flows, and nothing stays.” Another saying attributed to Heraclitus along this vein is that you can’t step into the same river twice. […]

Jose Fernandez

This week’s blogpost was going to go in a completely different direction; however, tragedy has rocked a community that is dear to me. I am sure by now that you have heard of the tragic loss of Miami Marlins’ ace pitcher Jose Fernandez. Not only does his loss impact the team, but the entire baseball […]

Science + Religion

Over the past few weeks, as I’ve gotten back into classes, I’ve found myself thinking a lot about the relationship between science and religion. In my anthropology class, we started by reading Émile Durkheim’s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life in which he argues against the idea that science will supersede religion (many scholars of […]


There was a lit candle standing on the round table of the Thurman room. I had seen it before. Its flame had glowed and flickered softly, yet warmly, many times in that same room in the past. But what exactly was it doing here now? In our one-on-one meeting, Soren asked me how First Sight and Second […]

Facing Failure

I have no idea how these next few days are going to play out. I am currently enrolled in a course on Operating Systems and I have a massive assignment due in a couple of days. It is a very challenging project – at least for me it is – and I thought it would […]

For my brother Syms.

Monday evening I spent my time welcoming the Black Community here at BU back to campus. A good turnout and a good time. I went to sleep excited about the work the Black Student Union could do on campus. Tuesday, I awoke, got myself situated for the day and went to the dining hall to […]


One of my favorite verses of the Bible is from Psalm 46, “Be still and know that I am God”. I have always been drawn to it. I think there is something really beautiful and deeply assuring about that sentence and about stillness and quiet. I love it, yet I have also always struggled with […]