Legal English Certificate Program 2015-2016

LECP Participants with Judge Hoffman
LECP Participants with Judge Hoffman at the Bankruptcy Courthouse in downtown Boston

The Legal English Certificate Program (LECP) is the collaboration between CELOP and the BU Law School (BUSL), which offers foreign lawyers the chance to pursue a graduate law degree at Boston University. Begun in September 2014, the program provides participants the opportunity to brush up on their legal English skills and take law classes in the first year of a two-year LLM degree at Boston University.  In the second year, students then begin their graduate law program at BUSL. Before the second year starts, students choose to specialize in American Law, Banking and Finance, Intellectual Property, or Tax law.

Among the participants this year are individuals from Saudi Arabia, Oman, Russia, the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan R.O.C., Thailand, Mozambique, Turkey, Italy, and the Republic of Korea. In this program, some students complete the certificate program and then return home after the first year. Yet, usually the majority stays for the second year to complete the LLM. Upon finishing this degree, these individuals can sometimes find an internship and work in the legal field for a year in the US. Nevertheless, most of these students return home to their previous work or seek a new position.



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