Ways to Enhance Learning

Our Best Recommendations to Enhance Our Learning
by a level E Sci Tech class of Irene Maksymjuk and Carol Pineiro

Expose yourself to English

By watching English movies and TV shows, listening to English songs, and listening to native speakers’ conversation around you, you can repeatedly notice the words you already learned, which helps you store them in your long-term memory.

Read in English, for example newspapers, books, and articles.

Improve Your Memory

Write down new vocabulary and other material; review periodically to strengthen your memory and move the new information from short-term to long-term memory.

Try to teach others what you have learned, to experience it from a different angle and strengthen your ability to retain and communicate the new information.

Repeat and sing new vocabulary you’ve learned recently: repeating and singing the new words you’ve learned helps you encode the words.

Practice mnemonic techniques because it is a way to remember difficult information by, for example, relating it to something easy for you to remember.

Connect new vocabulary to your daily life: when you learn new words, making practical examples of them related to your daily life helps you figure out how the words are used in various situations, which makes the words easier to remember.

Maintain Focus

Avoid multi-tasking: it’s better to focus on one thing at a time and avoid distraction; you’ll be more productive. It takes more energy to shift your attention than to focus on one task.

Take 15 minute breaks every hour when you are studying so your brain can rest and be more creative.

Daydream, because it helps to recalibrate and restore the brain.

Stay Physically Healthy

Eat healthy and exercise to provide your body with the needed nutrients, normal hormone levels, and increased blood flow.

Get enough sleep: sleeping 8 hours every night helps your brain to organize and consolidate the information and ideas you got during the day.

Stay Mentally Healthy

Avoid chronic stress, which can damage your brain, but remember that the stimulation of social contact and the pressure of new challenges give our brains helpful workouts.

Make a schedule and set deadlines to have productive pressure.


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