Do Humans Feel Like They Are Never Satisfied?

“The grass is always greener on the other side.”  This is a common expression that is used to describe human nature.  We always want what other people have and we always think that life would be better if we could just get a little more.  In my opinion, people are never satisfied with what they have because we live in a society where the media tells us we need to buy more stuff to be happy, because we generally lack a level of spiritual enlightenment, and because we can’t find true satisfaction through material items.

First of all, nowadays we live in a society that is surrounded by the media that constantly tells us we need to buy more and more in order to feel happy.  We get messages when we see advertisements on the internet with pictures of beautiful people wearing the newest clothes and riding in the most beautiful cars.  From when we are little kids, we feel a need to always want more because the tv shows tell us that kids looks like they are having so much fun with all their cool toys and awesome new devices.  For example, my daughters crave to look like the Disney actresses on shows like “Jesse” that depict rich kids looking like little super models.

Next, in the United States today, people have become detached from the spiritual side of their body.  They have become so obsessed with their outer appearance and the material items that they think they need to be content, that they have lost sight of what is most important in life.  Being connected to a deeper understanding of our moral being is crucial for a satisfying life.  For example, it has been proven that when people have a strong sense of moral values and they live every day in order to help their families, friends and neighbors, they are much more likely to be happy.  They live their life in order to make society a better place with love and compassion.  They do not put all their time and energy in making themselves look beautiful and buying more meaningless possessions.

Finally, true satisfaction cannot be found in piling up material possessions.  This lesson is particularly clear when we think of people who have lost their homes in a fire.  When push comes to shove, we don’t really need anything but our loved ones.  We would all trade every item in our house so that our family could be healthy and safe.  Becoming aware of this makes us become thankful for the lives we lead and it’s of the utmost importance that we remind ourselves of this often.

In conclusion, it is clear that it is innate in human beings to feel unsatisfied with what they have.  However, it is also clear that there is a way to alleviate this problem.  We should avoid paying attention to the multi-billion dollar American media machine, we should keep a strong sense of moral values to better ourselves and our society, and we should be thankful for what is most valuable in life: family, good health, and love.


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