Tag Archives: autumn

Apple Picking

Written by Hanadi Naji
Photos by Hanadi Naji


On October 16th, 2015, CELOP students went apple picking. There were more than 40 students, and we left at 2:00 PM.

First, we traveled there by big comfortable bus. Most of the students were chatting and taking pictures. The weather was so nice and the view was beautiful. There were a lot of colorful trees. When we were there we saw a lot of pumpkins. Then someone who worked there asked us to follow her. She gave us bags to collect the apples we picked. After that we went by car inside the garden. Then we began picking apples and they asked us to try them. They were so delicious! I have never tried such a delicious apple like the one I picked. After we collected our apples, they gave us some snacks such as apple juice, apple donuts, and coffee.  We really enjoyed the experience.