Category: Fall 2016

First Teaching Experience

This afternoon I had my first experience actively teaching a class. It was in a discussion section for a neuroscience course, where I’ve been a teaching assistant (TA) for about half a semester. A few weeks ago, my teaching fellow (TF) and I were talking about observations for an education class I was taking with another […]

This I Believe

I love books. Reading has always been a way for me to recharge. Whenever I am feeling overwhelmed or upset. Whenever I have time to spare or am having a really good day, I usually end up at Half Price Books. This summer, on one of my many trips there, I found a book titled […]

Importance of Community

John Oliver’s most recent topic on the show Last Week Tonight was on opioids, more specifically, the opioid epidemic in our country. You can watch the video on YouTube – be aware that the humor is often adult and the language is also fairly adult. In the segment, John Oliver discusses the recent epidemic of […]

When Grief Comes

It’s been a rough week. In the aftermath of a death, I have been trying to figure out how to put my feelings into words but I haven’t quite gotten there yet. So I’ve fallen back on poems and scripture, trying to use them to put my own feelings into words. First, Matthew Dickman’s poem, […]

Dirge Without Music

Many years ago, I sang an oratorio piece in a choir at my congregation in Brookline. We spent months rehearsing and preparing for the performance in the spring. As a musician, it was by far one of the most challenging pieces I’ve ever taken on. At the same time, practicing and performing with the other […]

Losing my balance

I’ve been struggling lately. I’m having the year of my life, I’m becoming the person I always wanted to be. A student leader, an activist, and someone who has found two internships that push me to ask more questions and think less about those answers. But, I’ve been struggling. The everyday task that these roles […]

Reflecting On The Past 72 Hours

The past 72 hours have been very stressful for me. I have gone from studying for midterms, to taking two on Tuesday, to doing two labs earlier today. To be quite honest, I did not even know what day it was until a few hours ago; the days have really blended together. Sunday night was […]

Blessed Be the Peacemakers

Blessed be the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9) Recently, when I check my phone I find it flooded by news and opinion pieces. These updates have been less-than peace inducing. I am repeatedly met with stories of senseless deaths, the continuing violence around the world, the rhetoric of an […]

Iterations of Trials

Last Monday, I ran the first iteration of one my internship projects. This project is the implementation and light facilitation of small intentional conversations during the weekly Monday night religious life dinners. This project is connected to this year’s theme of Conversations at Marsh Chapel. When designing topic themes, I had to consider: the questions, […]

Your a Reflection of Who You Surround Yourself With

I sat in Marsh this past Monday night and amongst, exams, clubs, and sleep deprived undergrads (like myself) I found the opportunity to enjoy these 2 hours I had with my Marsh family. The six of us laughed over dinner and made group messages, changed our blog design and simply, I was happy. I enjoyed […]