Category: Spring 2017

Sunshine and Sentimentality

This past week, as temperatures reached into the 70s, I loved watching how people were drawn outside—stretching hammocks between trees, sprawling on every available patch of grass, tossing a Frisbee with friends between classes, and coming up with any possible excuse to go for a walk. After weeks of solitary morning runs where I could […]

To Err and to Forgive

I’ve known for a long time that the weather in New England can be unpredictable. At times tempestuous, at times calm, but always changing. Given the tumultuous past few weeks in my own life, my reflection for this week might reflect today’s weather–unexpected, and at times a little chaotic. I ask you to bear with […]

A Proud Roommate

This week I had a road block: I did not really know what to write about. I usually do not about specific people; however, this blogpost I must mention my roommate. A week ago today we were sitting in the top lounge in 575 Commonwealth Ave doing homework. I won’t say the specific time that […]

“I haven’t heard drums in what feels like years”

This past Sunday I visited Saint Marks Church in Roxbury where Ms. Kennedy of the HTC is a member.  I walked into the small and homey church and saw children’s paintings and church mothers in their “church hats” and I felt at home. As I listened to the choir sing, I realized that this was […]

Moving Towards Progress

Yesterday, M.O.V.E. finally had our first meeting. After two weeks of detailed planning with Denise and Nick we launched our new program. It is both exciting and worrying to start something new. My perfectionist attitude towards my work is difficult to appease and I generally feel as though my work should be improved. Throughout these […]

Unrelenting Grace for an Unrelenting Failure

I walked out the side door of Marsh Chapel. The air outside was refreshing. I felt my head running at hundreds of miles per hour, except this time it was not the result of a fear or anxiety. It was not guilt or pain or hurt. It was the sermon I heard today, and the […]

Near Enemies

“’The near enemy. It’s a psychological concept. Two emotions that look the same but are actually opposites. The one parades as the other, is mistaken for the other, but one is healthy and the other’s sick, twisted.’ (. . . ) “ ‘There are three couplings,’ said Myrna, herself leaning forward now, and whispering though she […]

Silence and Thank You Ian

In our weekly marsh meeting, fellow intern and friend Ian said something before he began his remarks that struck me. He said, “I don’t mind long periods of silence” and it made me think that I haven’t been in silence in a while. There is always some noise around me and I purposely do that. […]


Today I had my Organizational Behavior lecture. This is one of the few classes that I genuinely enjoy every single time I walk in the door. Today’s lecture was eloquently presented and tackled the topic of interdependence in groups. Professor McCarthy (the OB lecturer) talked about the difference between a team and a group. I […]

Finding Rest in the Snow

Last week, Boston received quite a bit of snow. Thursday classes were canceled and I was free to watch the snow pile-up outside. As I watched the snowflakes drift past my window, I felt a peace settle over me. It has been a busy couple of weeks. Come Thursday morning I was feeling drained. Watching […]