Category: Fall 2016

Practicing Gratitude

I have recently gotten really into podcasts. The other day I was listening to a Ted talk podcast done by NPR that featured A.J. Jacobs. Jacobs is the author of A Year of Living Biblically. In this book, Jacobs discusses his attempt to follow every commandment of the Bible for a year and how this […]

Reflections on Identities

It was Friday afternoon. I looked at the clock. It was almost 5pm. My probability homework needed to be handed in within the next few minutes. I left the South Campus common lounge, went to Ingalls to staple my homework together, and hurried to Photonics to hand it in. The past few weeks were long […]

Quiet Space

At our weekly staff meeting, we did a guided meditation followed by a time of journaling. For my blog post this week, I want to share what I wrote, unedited and unpolished, from that brief moment of reflection: The thing about quiet spaces is, all it takes to destroy them is a single noise—the nervous […]

It’s the simple things

It happens like clockwork. I lay in my bed ready to sleep and I began to go through my day, the work needed to be done tomorrow, all the future stresses of the week and I think God’s got me so I can make it through this one, “he”s gotten me through worst.” I realized […]

Exciting Meetings

I have been in meetings for the United Methodist Church a lot these past two weeks. Eight days in a row to be exact-with some travel in between. It was at times physically exhausting, at times emotionally draining, but also incredibly inspiring. Despite the ways in which meetings can bog us down, I feel so […]


Monday marked the end of an era in Boston. The Boston Red Sox lost to the Cleveland Indians and were eliminated from the playoffs; this was the last day time that David Ortiz will step on a field to play a game of professional baseball. It is only fitting to talk about “Big Papi” and […]

Community Snapshots

For my blog post this week, I have several fragments—instances this week where I felt part of something bigger—a larger community, a movement, an experience beyond myself. They were meaningful to me and I hope they can bring some sense of meaning to you as well. Thursday: My professor lets us out of class early […]

Failure Faced

It became clearer and clearer to me that I had no more options. As I sat in the basement of the South Campus main residence hall at three in the morning on a weekend, I stared at the blinking line on my terminal. No matter what I did, I could not seem to figure out […]


Time is something that I deeply value. I firmly believe that many significant parts of who we are and what we value tend to develop gradually. Important things to me such as friendships, beliefs, and perspective often do not emerge overnight. With that said, I occasionally encounter deeply significant moments that occur spontaneously and abruptly, as if […]

Learning Experience

This past week I got to lead Sunday Morning Book Study on my own for the very first time. I will admit, I did not know what was going to happen going into the meeting. Throughout the week I prepared for the meeting by reading the book and deciding on what questions to ask. On […]