Welcome, Karl Kirchwey! + literary links


We’re so pleased to welcome BU’s new Creative Writing Program director, Karl Kirchwey, to Boston this month!  Karl officially started as our director on July 1, and he is coming to us from Bryn Mawr College, where he was the Creative Writing Program Director and Professor of the Arts.  You can read more about him here.  Welcome, Karl!

Be sure to mark your calendars for the Favorite Poem Project‘s Summer Institute readings next week.  They’re free and open to the public, all from 3:45 – 4:30.

635 Commonwealth Ave, Sargent College, Rm. 101

Mon. July 14: Maggie Dietz & Eric McHenry
Tue. July 15: Duy Doan & Gail Mazur
Wed. July 16: Carl Phillips & Robert Pinsky

And now for a few literary links:

Favorite snacks of the great writers.  (And a few less great ones.)

Walls and walls of books.

I visited this sketchbook library two weeks ago.  Neato.

It’s (BU alum) Jhumpa Lahiri‘s birthday today!  Happy birthday, Jhumpa.

It’s also E.B. White’s birthday.  Check out this gem that he wrote with James Thurber.  Here’s some wisdom from it:

Let us say you have sat down to write a letter to your lady. There has been a normal amount of preparation for the ordeal, such as clearing a space on the desk … and the normal amount of false alarms, such as sitting down and discovering that you have no cigarettes. (Note: if you think you can write the letter without cigarettes, it is not love, it is passion.) Finally you get settled and you write the words; “Anne darling.” If you like commas, you put a comma after “darling”; if you like colons, a colon; if dashes, a dash. If you don’t care what punctuation mark you put after “darling,” the chances are you are in love — although you may just be uneducated, who knows?

And with that, have a wonderful weekend, all!


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