Happy Friday from BU Creative Writing


“We do know that no one gets wise enough to really understand the heart of another, though it is the task of our life to try.”

–Louise Erdrich


Hello, all!  Tomorrow is the birthday of Louise Erdrich.  She will be 60.  Here’s a recent story by her.

Oh, no! Apparently, exclamation marks are unstoppable!

Great Scott!  Here’s a poem by Scott Ruescher, a friend of mine.

The New Yorker thinks John Green is the man.  He’s wicked smart, and his novels ask questions about forgiveness, death and mortality, and what makes life meaningful.  I expect throngs of teenage girls and tissues in disarray at the The Fault in Our Stars viewing tonight.

But here’s an essay positing that adults should not read young adult books.  Check out the riveting comments, too.

How to write better than you normally do.

And once more this summer, why not read this essay by E.B. White?

Have a wonderful weekend!

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