Laura Marris (poetry ’13) has been awarded a month-long fellowship at the MacDowell Colony, the oldest and one of the most prestigious arts colonies in the United States! Former MacDowell fellows of note include Michael Chabon and Thornton Wilder. Laura will leave for New Hampshire in just a few days to work on poems and French translation.
Congratulations, Laura, and all best wishes for a productive fellowship!
Laura Marris has taught poetry at Boston University, most recently through Robert Pinsky’s Massive Open Online Course “The Art of Poetry.” Her work has received a Daniel Varoujan Prize from the New England Poetry Club and a Hurley Award from Boston University. Her poems, reviews, and translations have appeared in Meridian, DMQ Review, H.O.W., Secousse, The Brooklyn Rail, and The Wallace Stevens Journal. She is currently working on a translation of Louis Guilloux’s novel Le Sang noir for the New York Review of Books Classics.