Book Coauthored by Stacy Mattingly Made into Movie

Captive Cover

In 2005, Stacy Mattingly (Fiction ’11) coauthored UNLIKELY ANGEL: The Untold Story of the Atlanta Hostage Hero with Ashley Smith. This Friday, September 18, Paramount Pictures will release a feature film based on the book!  CAPTIVE stars David Oyelowo (SELMA) and Kate Mara (“House of Cards”).  HarperCollins has re-released the book under the film title.


Watch the trailer below!

Hearty congratulations, Stacy!  We’re excited for you.

Stacy Mattingly is a U.S. writer and the founder of the Sarajevo Writers’ Workshop, a bilingual group of poets and prose writers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has led the workshop since 2012. Stacy holds an MFA in fiction from Boston University, where she was a Marcia Trimble Fellow, a Leslie Epstein Global Fellow, and recipient of the Florence Engel Randall Graduate Fiction Award. She has taught creative writing at Boston University, is slated to teach for Boston’s Grub Street, and helped lead the first Narrative Witness exchange (Caracas-Sarajevo) for the University of Iowa’s International Writing Program. Stacy is currently writer-in-residence at the Goat Farm Arts Center in Atlanta, Georgia, and has just completed a first novel, set in the Balkans.

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