Caitlin Doyle interviewed by the MFA Project

CaitlinDoylePhotoBU MFA alumna Caitlin Doyle (Poetry ’08) was recently interviewed by the MFA Project, and we’re pleased to be sharing a link to it here! Since graduating from the MFA program as the George Starbuck Fellow in Poetry, Caitlin has continued to receive accolades as an up-and-coming poet. In this interview, she offers memorable insights on studying with Robert Pinsky, Derek Walcott, and Rosanna Warren, as well as reflections on her experience as the featured poetry alumna in the Annual Faculty Reading a couple years ago. Click here to read “On Pleasure, Devotion, MFA’s and PhD’s, and Self-Determination: An Interview with Caitlin Doyle.”

Congratulations, Caitlin!

Caitlin Doyle’s poetry, reviews, and essays have appeared in The Atlantic, Boston Review, The Threepenny Review, Black Warrior Review, Cork Literary Review, and others. Her poems have also been published in various anthologies, including The Best Emerging Poets of 2013, The Southern Poetry Anthology, and Best New Poets 2009. Caitlin’s awards and fellowships include Writer-In-Residence positions at the James Merrill House and the Jack Kerouac House, a MacDowell Colony Fellowship, the Margaret Bridgman Scholarship through the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Tennessee Williams Scholarship through the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, and the Amy Award in Poetry through Poets & Writers. She has held Writer-In-Residence teaching posts at Penn State, St. Albans School, and Interlochen Arts Academy. She is currently pursuing her PhD as an Elliston Fellow in Poetry at the University of Cincinnati.

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