We’re excited to share that Sheila Sundar (current fiction MFA) has published a story in the spring 2020 issue of Crazyhorse! The story, “Deccan Basalt,” was workshopped in Leslie Epstein’s class this past year.
Sheila says, I’ve always been interested in stories of humanity–of finding solace and connection in unexpected places. Because I was raised in an immigrant community, my characters are also shaped by the experience of being uprooted, of holding onto elements of their old lives while finding new meaning and forming new bonds. “Deccan Basalt” was the second story I wrote for Leslie’s workshop. Though the character, Vikram, had been developing in my mind for some time, he came together more fully through Leslie’s early advice: focus on relationships, and let the complexity of human connection drive our writing.
Thank you, Sheila, and congratulations!
Sheila Sundar is an MFA candidate in fiction at Boston University. Her writing is forthcoming in Crazyhorse, and has appeared in Guernica, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and the Rumpus. She lives in New Orleans with her family.