The Creative Writing Department’s Summer Class Offerings Are Here!

CASEN202 Poster (2) EN305 poster (2) CAS EN 304 Poster (2) HollanderCourse (2)

















It’s that time of year again — summer course listings have gone live! We have plenty of fantastic courses to offer — including a completely new, interdisciplinary class — and this summer is the perfect time to join us in the study and practice of Creative Writing! All Boston University Summer Term courses will be held on-campus and are open to more than just BU students — in addition to those already enrolled at BU, visiting domestic and international students, high school students, as well as adults and professionals, are welcome to register!

The department is running four sections of CAS EN 202 (“Introduction to Creative Writing”) this summer, and each of our wonderful instructors will bring a different twist to the class! In the first summer session, section A2 will be taught by program administrator and poet Annaka Saari, who often infuses her syllabi with multimedia content; in particular, she is fascinated with the overlap between film and poetry). Section A1 will be taught by current fiction student, graphic novelist, and comic artist Jess Ruliffson. In the second summer session, section B1 will be taught by current fiction student and journalist Melkon Charchoglyan, while section B2 will be taught by current poetry student and Favorite Poem Project content creator Nate Miller. All sections of this course will center around the writing workshop and will allow students to create original work while receiving feedback from their peers and instructor.

Taught by award-winning poet and editor Lisa Hiton, CAS EN 304 (“The Writing of Poetry”) will allow students to dedicate themselves to studying the craft of poetry. Students will learn to read poems closely, with their attention focused on the craft elements of the work, and will be encouraged to apply what they learn to their own work. Students will receive feedback on their original poetry from their instructor and peers in the workshop environment.

CAS EN 305 (“The Writing of Fiction”) is designed for students who wish to immerse themselves in the study of fiction. Taught by fiction writer Nayereh Doosti, this is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn from great works of fiction what they might apply to their own work. Students will learn to read like writers (that is, with an eye towards how stories are made) and will receive feedback on their own creative work from their instructor and peers in the workshop environment.

Our new course, CAS EN 549 (“Interdisciplinary Studies in Creative Writing: The Writer as Historian”) promises to indulge the curiosities of those interested in History, Creative Writing, or the overlaps and differences that exist between these fields. In this workshop-based course, students should expect to engage with both creative and historical readings, and some historical and historiographical lectures may be given. In engaging with this variety of instructional material, students will be asked to consider the ethical implications of infusing creative works with details taken from the pages of history. Unlike our other course offerings, this class does require an application; see the poster above, or contact program administrator Annaka Saari at, for details about the application process.

Among all of these classes, there should be something for everyone! Email program administrator Annaka Saari at with any questions you may have and feel free to read more about our course offerings on the Summer Term website.

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