Best of the Food Web: Healthy Chicks

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College

Every Wednesday this semester we will be posting about a new blog or cooking website that we love! The internet is filled with food websites, and our goal is to arm you with the “Best of the Food Web”!

It’s been awhile since we’ve done a Best of the Food Web installment, but recently I came across a website that is too good not to share: Healthy Chicks. First things first, what is a “healthy chick”? According to the blog, a healthy chick is:

1. A real woman who sparkles with confidence, self-love and positivity and
who understands that happiness and health go hand-in-hand; when you meet
one you often think to yourself, “I want what she’s having!”
2. A young woman who lacks self-doubt, guilt and judgment in others and herself, and who understands that ‘diet’ is a dirty word

I love this! What’s even more awesome than these definitions is the original “healthy chick” herself, Rachel Chemerynski. Currently living in Boston, Rachel is a freelance writer, holistic health coach, and FitFluential Ambassador – a perfect combination for a health & happiness blog writer. Her passion for boosting women’s self-esteem and self-love is overwhelmingly evident and sincere.

"ChickLit" Image from Healthy Chicks


The first thing I noticed was how addictive Rachel’s voice is. Each post feels like you’re reading an entry out of your best friend’s diary. She even likens the blog to Carrie’s monologues from Sex and the City, but with “a little more green tea and self-love, minus all the other drama.”  Posts include healthy recipes, motivational mantras, and inspirational real-life stories – all the tools one needs to become a healthy chick.


Healthy Chicks' Wild Mushroom and Sweet Potato Coconut Soup. Image from Healthy Chicks

What I love most about Healthy Chicks, and Rachel in particular, is how perfectly she captures the mindset of people struggling in their relationship with food and body image. Having been through the trials many women face: poor body image, low self-esteem, and fad diet after fad diet, Rachel knows first hand that to be truly healthy you also have to be happy in your own skin. To get to know Rachel better, please go read her About page!

Image from Healthy Chicks

I first found Healthy Chicks on Twitter and regularly checked out her tweets, but it wasn’t until Rachel’s post “Friday Flashbacks: Counting Calories” that I officially became a Healthy Chicks groupie. In the post, Rachel shares her journey with calorie counting in college. Each sentence sent shivers down my spine, as I could relate to almost all of them. Despite studying nutrition and working with professionals who help treat eating disorders, I still forget that others have experienced the same obsessions that I once did. I instantly fell in love with and wrote down this quote from the post, “Counting your blessings is much more gratifying than counting calories.” The beauty of this post is that it illustrates the true nature of calorie counting obsession, while at the same time provides comfort to those who are currently struggling with obsessive calorie counting by proving to them that they are not alone and that there is hope. Whether or not you or someone close to you has struggled with disordered eating, I encourage you to read this post and then share it with your friends.


Now run off and get drawn in by the wonderful posts on Healthy Chicks!

Disclaimer: The Sargent Choice blog includes links to other websites only as information to consumers, not as medical advice. When you access an external website, keep in mind that Sargent Choice has no control over its content.  Sargent Choice is not responsible for the content found at any of the sites, nor do any links imply endorsement or promotion of the company/organization, its content, services, therapeutic treatment options, or products. Accordingly, you visit any site at your own risk.  Sargent Choice is also not responsible for the policies and practices of these sites, such as their Privacy Policy, use of “cookies”, etc. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of each site that you visit through a link on our website


Rachel @ Healthy Chicks posted on February 27, 2013 at 2:33 pm

Thank you so much for featuring me as your “Best of the Food Web.” You captured everything I believe in & stand for so perfectly! I am beyond grateful for you including me in today’s post and am looking forward to reading more 🙂 Thank you so much for the spotlight…I hope to continue inspiring women every day!

Jane Ski posted on February 27, 2013 at 2:40 pm

refreshing and soo inspiring!

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One Trackback

[…] I didn’t have a post planned for today, but wanted to share some exciting news with my readers! I was riding home on the T after a rather rainy coffee date with a friend, and was pleasantly surprised when I looked down at my phone. Boston University’s Sargent Choice Nutrition Center has recognized Healthy Chicks as “Best of the Food Web.” […]

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