Stacy: Why Choose BU?

Acceptance letters were mailed out last week, and I just wanted to say congratulations to all those future Terriers! You are one step closer to an amazing college experience.


For those of you still deciding if BU is the right school for you, here are some elements that helped me choose BU. Hopefully it helps with your decision!


  1. The city of Boston. So many opportunities, a great city with so much to do and a hub of diverse people I would have never met living anywhere else. With the city being a quick T ride inbound, there’s never a dull moment.


  1. BU campus is the perfect balance of living in a city and living in a suburb. With East campus being so close to the city, and West campus being in a more residential area, there is a place to call home for everyone. Not to mention the walk between areas of campus is good exercise. But for those who don’t like walking – don’t worry. There is a free BU bus that rides around campus, and the Green Line and multiple city bus routes run through campus.


  1. It’s so easy to find your niche. Whether you’re an athlete, an artist, an academic or a mixture of all three – it’s easy to find people you connect with. Everyone at BU is friendly and come from a variety of backgrounds. It’s easy to make friends with people from all walks of life and having diverse friend groups is a great perk of going to a university with a widely diverse community.


  1. BU’s top-notch facilities: From three dining halls, over ten dorm options, a state of the art Fitness and Recreation Center and a massive library, BU’s facilities are impressive to say the least. All of the buildings are in great shape and offer a plethora of resources to all students.


  1. I fell in love with BU the moment I toured COM. It’s so easy to get involved, everyone was so welcoming and I knew attending COM would push me to be the best possible form of myself. In my first month of college I joined BUTV10, WTBU, and the Daily Free Press. COM is what you make of it, and I highly suggest participating in COM to the fullest.



I hope you fall in love with BU like I did. I promise it will be the best four years of your life!

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The COM Ambassador program is available to current and prospective COM freshmen. We are here to answer questions and help you learn all the great things that BU, COM and Boston have to offer. Be bold. Be creative. Be COM. @BU

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