Carly I: Navigating College Life

When I first came to college I was so excited to be on my own for the first time. So much so that when I moved in despite it being 90+ degrees in my dorm I chose to sleep there over an air-conditioned hotel room with my partners. I had been waiting for college the entirety of my junior and senior years in high school, I am from a small town in Maine so as you can imagine I was in need of a change in scenery. You may have a lot of expectations or ideas of what college might be, but I certainly did. The biggest piece of advice I can give you, and one I wish someone gave me, is to let go of any and all expectations. As a freshman I wanted to change everything about myself, it’s easy to get caught up in the idea of what you think you want your experience in college to look like. I would force relationships and put myself in awkward situations for the sole purpose of fulfilling the idea I had in my head. It wasn’t until I let go of everything I thought college should be that I found my place at BU. 

I came to BU as a film and television major. I was so set on that being my future that I didn’t open myself up to other opportunities outside of film. Then one day I decided to try joining a new club. I had already done BUTV10 and loved it but I wanted more control and to experience something outside of COM. I ended up joining a fashion magazine, something way outside my comfort zone. I had no experience in magazine making or anything like that. Needless to say, I was incredibly intimidated. However, because I let go of the expectations I had for myself in regard to my major, I ended up figuring out what I truly wanted to do. After a year of being a part of that club, I switched my major to Advertising, which was so easy I might add, with a minor in Film and Television. It feels like all the pieces of the puzzle have been put in place, I’m no longer living my college life with expectations but rather embracing whatever comes to me. As a first-year student, it’s important to try everything. Although you may be set on your major, try something different just for fun. Don’t close yourself off to opportunities or activities because you may think it doesn’t align with your college plan. Embrace what comes to you and lean into what’s unfamiliar.