George L: Advice for Incoming First-Year Students, From a First-Year Student

Throughout my first year at Boston University, I realized how many opportunities BU offers for first year students to get hands-on experience right from the start. 

As a student pursuing a Dual Degree in Journalism and Political Science, I have seen how the College of Communication (COM)’s curriculum structure gives students the chance to preview the various fields of communications, including journalism, media science, advertising, public relations, and film and television. The introductory COM 101 class I took last semester gave me a brief preview of these fields and incorporated guest lectures from professionals of different industries. Alongside gaining exposure to the different career paths that a degree in communications offers, many of my classes that are part of the journalism curriculum carry BU Hub Credits. As a first-year student, I’m able to take classes that are directly related to my field of study that also encompass various skills that also apply to different professions. 

Alongside my classes, I’ve also had the chance to join different extracurriculars. I’ve had the opportunity to write for The Daily Free Press, create packages for Good Morning BU, and most recently begin writing and filming broadcast clips for The Wire. Even as a first-year student, I’ve had the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in journalism and broadcasting even though I am currently still taking introductory journalism classes. 

Whether it be through the curriculum or extracurriculars, BU offers first year students so many opportunities to gain exposure to their field of interest. As advice to incoming first year students at BU, I would say don’t be afraid to get involved in extracurriculars. BU has a great community of students that are passionate about their work and are great resources to help learn and engage more with your field of interest. Even in COM, I’ve met so many people across majors who are willing to help others out and pass on advice from their experience at BU, so don’t be afraid to reach out and talk to your peers!