It’s with a heavy heart I’m writing my last blog post as a Com Ambassador, but I guess I should count myself lucky since that just means my heart is really, really full. Senior year came all too quickly. When people tell you college went by too fast – they’re not kidding. I guess the jokes on me this time! Four years ago, I can honestly say I had no idea what Boston University and the College of Communication would do for me.
Here’s one last monologue about some pretty gosh darn amazing people, places and experiences that made BU home and are now making it oh so hard to say goodbye to this second home of mine. And I look forward to see how these remarkable things will change somebody else’s life when they fill my shoes. Consider this my Oscar speech (in case I’m a few years out from actually making it onto that stage).
1. COM Undergraduate Affairs – Every tour that comes through COM is told what an asset these guys are (trust me I know since I’m one of the people giving them) and it’s no lie. We are lucky to have one of the most phenomenal staff of advisors. From minor ‘stupid’ questions to figuring out how to add a second major mid junior year – not one of these guys has ever left one of my questions unanswered. Talk about some miracle workers!
2. My Internships – The work experience and insight I gained from the hands-on intern environments at both Red Bull Boston and Allied Integrated Marketing gave me the enthusiasm and confidence it takes to enter the job force. Both companies worked to make me an appreciated and integral part of their office life and I know that’s not the case at every place so I must have hit the jackpot. On top of that I met a whole host of characters who encouraged me and pushed me to succeed at Boston University and beyond.
3. The Professors – We all hear about our COM professor’s impressive backgrounds, but I don’t think we hear about their compassion and genuine interest in their students enough. Coming to a big University like BU can be intimidating, especially when you hear that COM101 is a class of 300+ people. I never thought I would make such meaningful connections with my professors (even in classes that size). From offers to proofread scripts, go over interview prep-work, or even just to touch base and make sure I’m feeling okay after a sick day – not all professors go out of their way to make sure they connect with their students, but BU’s definitely do. The college dean knows me by first name. I talk to my department chairs on a daily basis, and all of them sincerely care about my wellbeing and my future. That just doesn’t happen at every school.
4. The Amenities – Huge shout out to the computer labs I’ve spent all-nighters in, the gear from FPS that made me look legit on film shoots and the studios for acting as a perfect backdrop to my college experience. Along with that – I owe a big shout out to Jamie Companeschi and Jose! Talk about some serious lifesavers in terms of technical difficulties. They’ve saved more than a few of my projects for me.
5. The Extracuriculars – I’d be wrong if I didn’t mention things like WTBU, my sorority, the COM Ambassador Program, the National Student Advertising Competition, AdLab, book club, HerCampus and all the other out of this world programs COM offers it’s students outside of the classroom. There were always plenty of options and ways for me to make friends and meet people with similar interests.
On that note – the Oscar music is definitely playing to let me know that I’ve rambled on way to long, but I leave you with these few words. I hope that when it’s all of your turns to walk across that graduation stage that BU and the College of Communication have become just as much of a home to all of as it has become to me.