I just started my senior year at BU, and like most seniors, I’m starting to reflect on the journey that led me to this very moment. In just 3 short years, my life has changed more than I could have ever imagined.
After a very thorough search for Film and Television schools that would help cultivate me into the person that I wanted to be after graduation, I decided to apply to Boston University early decision. Coming from a suburban town in Orlando— amiably called Celebration—not a lot of students from my High School choose to go out of state for college. But, I knew that I must venture out of the sunshine state in order to achieve my dreams of someday working at a comedy show at NBC in New York.
I am incredibly blessed that my parents supported me to no end (but that fact that BU provides Financial Aid made them more comfortable with the fact). A day that feels like yesterday, December 13th, 2013, the day I was accepted to BU, changed my life forever. It also helped that Beyonce dropped an album that day WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE.
I’ll be brief with what happened throughout the next few years. I made a lot of new friends. I got heavily involved with COM and other groups on campus. I got a radio show with my best friend. I said goodbye to friends that moved away. I joined a sorority. I traveled the west coast. I fell in love. I moved in with my best friends. I took classes that changed my perspective on the Television industry. I fell out of love. I got to experience a bunch of different internships. I lost a few friends. I gained new mentors. I watched my life be threatened in an accident. I learned how important it is to ask for help. I learned that I am surrounded by the most amazing support system at BU. My family struggled through very difficult hardships. I persisted when I was facing extreme difficulties that were not in my control. I learned that I can’t control everything. I watched my big brother graduate and follow his dreams. I moved into my first apartment. I felt like I lost myself. I persisted to follow my dreams. I made many more friends. I thought that love trumps hate. I felt let down. I studied abroad in Los Angeles. I watched history happen before my eyes. I got to work at one of the best shows in day time television. I made new friends and new mentors. I dealt with health issues. I lived in a studio apartment in NYC with two of my best friends from home. I shared an air mattress for an entire summer. We had a dog for part of it. I struggled financially. I cried and celebrated with new and old friends. I strived to learn more about life and my future. I persisted.
And now here I am, starting my senior year, realizing how lucky I am to have lived a life with both tragedy and beauty. And each day, learning something new about the world and the people I am surrounded by. For the past 6 years, I have to strived to live each day with this quote from Mandy Hale in mind, “There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” Yes, I am going in television because it is my greatest passion. However, what fuels my love for the outlet is its affect on people. Television brings light, laughter, information and stories to people all over the world. It provides an escape for people like me, that need to take a break from reality every once in awhile. I am so grateful for the people and the opportunities that I have been given in my life that have led me to where I am today. And when I look back at the years—though hard and tragically beautiful they might have been—I wouldn’t change a single thing.
In just two weeks, I am starting my dream job in NYC and embarking on a journey that will change the rest of my life. It will be difficult, it will be stressful, it will be eye opening, but it will also be beautiful. I am still awestruck at my dreams finally coming true. But now, I can say very confidently that you too can make your dreams come true if you remain persistent, no matter how life treats you, and remember that there is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. I believe in you, so I hope you do too.

Me on September 13th, 2013— right after I got my acceptance—in front of the building I will be interning at in 2 weeks.

This is me and my best friend Zach, we met at freshman Orientation in 2014 and we’ve remained best friends through the years. Zach, thank you for being the best friend I could have ever asked for. You have saved my life, both literally and figuratively, and for that I will always be grateful.