Transferring into COM has opened my eyes to so many new, exciting opportunities. Arriving at BU undecided in CAS, you could say that I had no idea where I would be the beginning of my sophomore year–a dual major in COM. Seriously, the fact that I was able to make a solid decision about my life in less than a year’s time is actually impressive.
Besides getting to explore my passions and experience genuine excitement when learning about communications (thank you, journalism & PR classes), COM has also shown me the light in another way: the perfect COM schedule.

Yes, that is my schedule. And yes, I have been roasted REPEATEDLY by my friends who just don’t understand how I can only have class three days a week. Looking at my schedule, I honestly know that if I was in another person’s shoes, I’d be jealous of me too.
However, I want to stress exactly why COM schedules are set up this way. A big part of being in COM is what you do outside the classroom. I love that–I love that I can talk to anyone walking down the hallways and see that they’re interning at some awesome production company in Boston or doing a co-op at the Boston Globe.
Yes, you read that right. The Boston Globe. It’s a big deal.
Internships aren’t just encouraged at COM–they are required. BU’s COM programs ensure that students are not only required to have an internship before they graduate but to make time for their own personal internships as well. I’m applying for an internship this summer in London for Public Relations, and if I receive a spot in the program, I will be matched to an internship by BU. But during the school year, the COM schedule emphasizes a freedom for COM students to explore their personal career goals while being a full-time student. My schedule is less of a five-day routine, but I get to take my classroom time and apply it to my outside work.
While I appreciate not having classes on Wednesdays and Fridays (three-day weekends are as amazing as they sound), being in COM ensures that I am a busy student regardless of how many night classes I sign up for. Everyone in COM is an active member of not only the BU community but the Boston community as well. Our classes are structured to allow us to explore the independence we will be having in a few short years (don’t remind me about graduation) and I’m incredibly grateful for that opportunity.
If you looked at my schedule, you would guess that I have a lot of downtime. And you would probably guess that most COM students have a lot of free time. But in the majority of cases, that just isn’t true. When I’m not in class, I’m dedicating my time to school work. I’m focusing on ensuring the online publication I edit for, Boston University’s Her Campus, is running smoothly. I look for study abroad opportunities and complete service opportunities in the city. I plan my future. And trust me, I spend a lot of time in Mugar–occasionally doing work, mostly just freaking out with my friends about upcoming assignments. What’s new?
And other COM students are the same. When they’re not grinding in the classroom or in the library, they’re out filming for their BUTV10 show. They’re prepping for their live WTBU segment. They’re scouting for internships. They’re working on location to get the best shot. They’re following a beat in Dorchester. They’re preparing a press release in PR Lab. The point is, COM students are always working, despite what our schedules look like.