Mia P: Advice for this Year’s Sophomores

College Advice for Sophomores

So, BU is back! It’s so exciting to see campus so lively, but it’s obviously super different from last year –– especially for sophomores. We experienced our first year of college in a way unlike any other, and now that we’re all back, things are SO different. 

In a way, we — sophomores — are second-year freshmen. Everything is so new to us! Some of us weren’t even on campus last year, making this year such and new and impactful experience for all of us. 

As a sophomore myself, the past few weeks have been exciting, crazy, intimidating, and stressful at the same time. So, here is my advice for us sophomores who are having a very unique start to our college experience.

yassine-khalfalli-L4qEWaF91pY-unsplash1. It’s not too late to make friends. 

Something that I was scared of is that people would have set friends groups from last year already. But, what I’ve realized is that SO many people are new to campus. And if they aren’t so many people have been willing to meet more people! 

I’ve tried to make more friends in my classes (which are now in person!). Try reaching out to the person sitting next to you in class, or maybe someone that you’re sitting with in the dining hall. If you still might be having trouble making friends, join some clubs or student organizations! This brings me to my next point…

2. Take advantage of clubs and organizations!

Even though Splash has already happened, so many clubs and students groups have yet to hold their first meetings. If you weren’t able to join a certain club at Splash, try to find their Instagram or email to inquire about joining! 

3. Boston is back! Explore! 

It’s easy to think that you’ve experienced all of Boston already, but that is so far from true! Boston is so much more lively, and there is SO much to do. Make sure to check out the Boston Public Library, baseball games at Fenway Park, and concerts happening all around town. 

Last year was unlike any other, but this year will be unlike any other as well! This is such a unique experience for us sophomores, and it’s so important to remember that although last year may not have been the year we expected or wanted, this year will be SO exciting and fun.


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