GT N: Turn Your Life Upside Down

If you’re too comfortable, you’re doing it wrong. 

Don’t get me wrong; I think being in a state of comfort and stability is what everyone should strive to achieve, but it is not the state you should stay in, especially during this time of your life.

College is the only time where you can be immersed in a concentrated group of people that share relatable and different experiences as you, and it is so temporary. Now is the time to learn more about yourself, who you like to be around, what makes you happy, and where you want to go in life. I’m not saying you will know everything by the end of college or fully understand yourself by the time you graduate, but you should do your best to get as close as you can.

I moved to Boston from Southern California alone. I got a random roommate. I went to concerts alone. I rushed for a business fraternity without understanding Greek culture. 

It was hard. It was really hard, and sometimes, I just wanted everything to stop. However, looking back, I am so grateful I took so many leaps of faith because it made me who I am today. I am more in touch with myself. I know I want to continue living in a city, how to use the T, coexist with my roommate, how to enjoy my own company, and realizing Greek life is not for me.

Maximize your growth as a young individual in this safe environment to test your limits! Never put yourself in a position where you feel unsafe, but know that the highest mountains come after the lowest valleys. You will truly never know until you try. I know how it feels to want security and belonging, but I encourage you to embrace uncomfort. 

Do something alone. Join a club you never saw yourself joining. Go to networking events when you don’t know anyone. Do things outside of your daily routine. 

Embrace college and discomfort. You will only know your limits when you test them. Turn your life upside down so you won’t have to turn it around in the future.

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The COM Ambassador program is available to current and prospective COM freshmen. We are here to answer questions and help you learn all the great things that BU, COM and Boston have to offer. Be bold. Be creative. Be COM. @BU

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