Every January, about a week before classes start, the campus fills with girls—thousands of them—all getting ready for sorority recruitment. Whether a sorority woman or a potential new member, everyone has a certain excitement and anxiousness that can only be found during recruitment.

This year, over 600 PNMs came out to the Marriot Hotel in Copley to “Make Their Mark” on Greek Life. Only five days later, the same 600+ girls received their bids and excitedly joined their new sisters!
I’ll be honest, Greek Life is not huge at BU, definitely nothing like the “Go Greek or Go Home” schools I grew up around in the Midwest. But we are a growing community and each year, more and more freshmen and sophomore women are joining the nine chapters we currently have on campus. I went through recruitment as a freshman and it was a stressful, exciting, tiring, thrilling, and completely worth it week of small talk, pictures, cheering, and lots and lots of girls. But without it, I wouldn’t have met some of my best friends on campus and future bridesmaids… yes, I went there with that cliché…but its true.
And in addition to the sisters, one thing about BU Greek Life that I really love is the support. We attend each other’s philanthropy events, help when our community is in need, and encourage each other through everything. Last year, the nine sororities worked together during Sigma Chi Derby Days, a weeklong philanthropy event to benefit cancer research, and raised almost $30,000! And when a house that members of the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity live in caught on fire this semester, the entire community bought supplies and food to get them back on their feet. That service and support will always make me proud to be a member of the Greek community.

Greek Life at BU is one of those things that you get out what you put into it. If you want to get really involved, that opportunity is absolutely available to you. And if you want it to be one of the many different things you do on campus that’s fine too. But it has provided me an incredible support system over the past year and given me some of the best experiences I’ve had at BU!
For more information about Greek Life, check out www.bu.edu/greeklife or @BUGreeks on Twitter!