Frank: Four of the Worst Tracks of 2017

2017 was… a time. A lot of things happened. We made some friends. We learned a couple of new things. We had some fun. We also listened to a lot of songs— many of them so overplayed, and so downright terrible they deserve to be buried for eternity and never brought back. Here’s some songs that should definitely stay in 2017.

Imagine Dragons: Believer

I’ll be the first to admit it: Imagine Dragons has some legit bangers. Demons and Radioactive are mighty good tracks. But Believer is not a banger; it’s absolutely not a banger at all. This song is bottom of the barrel, generic trash. I honestly cannot stand this song— it’s grating, it’s annoying, and it’s still being played in Jeep car commercials 10 months after its release. 

Lil Pump: Gucci Gang

A chorus can make or break a song. But sometimes, like in the case of Gucci Gang, it can utterly and fundamentally destroy it. Pump says ‘Gucci Gang’ a total of 53 times in this song. 53. Let that sink in. That’s 52 more times anybody should say the words “Gucci” and “Gang” together in a sentence. Yet, everybody went with it. Everywhere you’d go those two words would follow. Gucci. Gang. Gucci. Gang. Make it stop.

Ed Sheeran: Shape of You

Genius describes this song as an island-tinged smash. I say it’s more of an island-tinged limp, a stagger from beginning to  end. Sheeran’s unmotivated singing makes for an uninteresting listening. Pair that with an irritating and incessant marimba and you’ve got yourself an incredibly annoying song. If just hearing the song doesn’t make you wanna hate it, listen to one of the millions of parodies it got. Oh, you’ll hate it then. You’ll despise it.

Katy Perry: Bon appétit

Bon appétit is probably one of the most monotonous and boring songs I’ve heard all year. It’s filled to the brim with innuendos that only immature middle school students can appreciate. The chorus is grating, the beat is wack, everything is wrong. Not even Migos could save this one. More like Bon no thank you pls. 

Now this list, sure isn’t comprehensive. I’m pretty sure some even more terrible tracks flew under my radar. But you know what? Some pretty good music also got released in 2017! And if you’re one of those people that like good music, why not tune into WTBU Radio? WTBU is BU’s very own college radio station, broadcasting from 6am to 2am! WTBU’s got a show for every genre out there, from alternative and indie to jazz and ska. Tune in at or download the WTBU app! 

Carlee: Which COM club should you join this semester?!

Take this quiz to find out which club is best for you! Whether you are looking for a new club to join or simply want to see which COM club suits you best, answer these 10 questions for a result!

1. You have an hour to kill in between classes, what do you do with your time

a. Grab a bite at the dining hall or the GSU to meet up with friends!

b. Watch an episode of the series I am currently binging

c. Catch up on some school work or check my social media accounts to see what’s going on

d. Call my parents because I love talking to them!


2. How concerned are you with the way you dress?

a. Very concerned

b. Only a little concerned

c. I dress to impress when I find it necessary

d. I don’t care how I look as long as I feel good


3. Most of your friends in COM are studying…

a. Public Relations/Advertising

b. Film & TV

c. Journalism

d. Mass Communications


4. You have a WHOLE day to yourself (unusual, I know); how do you spend your day?

a. Taking the T to Newbury for some good food and shopping

b. Going to the movies to see those two Academy Award-nominated films I’ve been dying to see

c. Visiting some or the historic, fun locations around Boston (like The Boston Public Library, the Boston Common, Faneuil Hall, etc.)

d. Anything that my friends are down to do with me!


5. What is your favorite media platform for storytelling?

a. Social media

b. Film

c. Print

d. Music


6. .What is the first TV show you flip to when you’re browsing through channels?

a. Gilmore Girls, Friends, Jane the Virgin, or the Bachelor!

b. Whatever is all the rage at the moment (Big Little Lies, How to Get Away with Murder, Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, etc.)

c. The news for sure

d. The Office, Parks and Recreation, or any great comedy!


7. Your professor assigns you a paper to write and you can write about anything you’d like; what topic would you choose?

a. Lifestyle (travel, food, or anything else that I love)

b. The plot of one of my favorite movies; I have so much to say

c. Trump’s latest decision regarding immigration

d. I could see myself writing about anything, so whatever is on my mind this week!


8. What is your favorite app?

a. Twitter

b. Netflix

c. Facebook

d. Spotify


9. Which study-abroad location would you choose through COM?

a. London

b. Los Angeles

c. Dublin

d. Sydney


Your COM soulmate is...

a. Attractive, kind, and adventurous

b. Artsy and has a lot in common with myself

c. Woke!

d. Friendly and can talk about the meaning of life with me

Mostly A’s

Your talents would be very appreciated at the BU Buzz! This group of people is so fun to hang around with all while writing about the beautiful things in life. From campus to wellness, this magazine just about covers it all. They would love to have your spontaneous and positive attitude on their team. The mag’s content expands to various forms of multimedia also, producing year-round content on their website along with one printed version each semester. In their words, “The Buzz is more than a magazine; it's a vehicle that embodies Boston University's population by showcasing work that is completely student produced and student run.” Check them out at!

Mostly B’s

You should so join a BUTV10 show, or if you are already involved, partake in another! BUTV10 would appreciate your enthusiasm for the craft of storytelling as well as your openness to learn everything you need to know about tech equipment! You would have the time of your life getting to explore the endless possibilities through one of the shows on the network. Offering shows in news, drama, sports, comedy, and lifestyle, BUTV10 has something for everyone. Your talents and your passion could surely find a home here. Explore all that BUTV10 has to offer at!

Mostly C’s

The Daily Free Press would surely welcome your skills with open arms. This independent student newspaper would put your talents to great use, with your keen eye for newsworthiness and outstanding creativity. “The Freep” covers news, sports, opinions, and other columns while establishing a professional atmosphere for its writers. Since the paper publishes digitally every day and in print every Thursday, you will also stay completely up to date on important events throughout Boston and internationally. The Daily Free Press would love your integrity. Read up on some of their stories at!

Mostly D’s

WTBU radio would LOVE to have you. You are such a fun person to hang out with and any show on air would be lucky to have you. Broadcasting live 20 hours a day, this radio station will always give you something to talk about on air. Howard Stern himself worked as a DJ on the station in the ‘70s. Anything is possible with WTBU. From interviews, to live music, to discussions, to the news, there is always something to listen to and join in on in the WTBU station. Members make lifelong friends here, and your bright personality and enthusiasm would be a fabulous fit. Listen in at!


I created this quiz because I truly love all that COM has to offer, and what better way to highlight these amazing, fun, co-curricular activities than by creating a very Buzzfeed-like quiz? I know everyone can appreciate a Buzzfeed quiz from time to time. I often find myself taking random online quizzes instead of studying, because quizzes are clearly the more fun option; you can learn a lot about yourself through a simple Buzzfeed quiz and this is the truth. If you are not already involved in any of these COM-oriented clubs, I highly recommend it!! I have heard nothing but great things about each of these four clubs included in the results. If you are reading this and you are already involved in any of these clubs, I’m sure you cannot deny that you love it. Even if you are not a COM student, all of these clubs will welcome you. I hope you all have the time of your life this semester in your co-curriculars and beyond!


CA Disclaimer: This is only a small sampling of the great clubs COM has. Check them out here!


Julianna: Listen Up, Budding Journos!

Julianna ImageHere are my Top 5 tips on how to up your game as a student journalist:

1.  Join BU’s chapter of the Society of Professional Journalist (SPJ)

Shameless plug alert! Our chapter is still in its infancy, however our presence at COM continues to become more and more known. We host Q&A’s with local reporters and editors and even toured the Boston Globe building in November. If you become a national member of SPJ then you have the opportunity to flash a legit press card to prove that you’re a journalist and uphold your First Amendment rights. Look out for a BU SPJ table at “Splash” in September! Also follow us on Twitter @BUSPJ.

2.  Clips Clips Clips

Do yourself a favor, and rack up those clips! The best way to do this is to start writing as soon as freshman year begins by applying to be a staff writer for a publication, such as The Quad (online blog/magazine). If you’re into broadcast journalism then get involved with BUTV10 and/or our radio station, WTBU. Photojournalists can join the Photo Club or apply to be a photographer for a publication. No need to look for an internship during your first semester of college, just start with the extracurriculars here at BU to build up experience.

3.  Keep a personal blog

I must accredit this piece of advice to Courtney Hollands, the senior lifestyles editor at Boston Magazine and BU COM alum. At a recent BU SPJ Q&A, Courtney stressed that keeping a personal blog is key to developing a voice as a writer and expertise in subjects that interest you. During those times that your budding journalism career appears to be at a lull, it’s a good idea to make sure that you are frequently writing, and a blog is the easiest way. As a former Tumblr addict who only reblogged hipster-worthy photos, I am making it my summer project to create a blog that actually guessed it, MY WRITING. So stay tuned to read about everything from album and movie reviews to issues in Israel and re-caps of breaking news.

4.  Stay up on the news

I always say one of the perks of COM is that we get the Boston Globe and New York Times FREE everyday. By the way if you bring a copy of the newspaper to journalism class your professor will definitely notice, so take advantage of this privilege. Of course one of the best ways to constantly be on top of breaking news is by following a slew of news organizations on Twitter. If you have an iPhone then do yourself a favor and get the Associated Press app. It’s free and will send you alerts when important news breaks. The app also syncs up to local newspapers, such as the Boston Globe and Boston Herald, to give you local AP-wired stories.

5.  Résumés...Le Sigh

I feel as though I’ve gotten so much advice on the do’s and don’t’s of  résumés that when it comes time for me to update mine I end up staring at the screen in freak-out mode. My fellow e-board members of BU SPJ recently attended a journalism convention in New York and came back to BU with résumé tips from professional journalists. They learned that the first and most important section should be your related news experience, followed by work, education and miscellaneous/skills. They also learned that employers in the news business want to see that individuals are keeping themselves busy with other things other than reporting, so include your part-time job, hobbies and so on. Make sure to include your Twitter handle only if your tweets are appropriate and free of opinions. Also create an online résumé and/or LinkedIn to link-up to your online clips, personal blog, broadcast packages and best work done in your journalism classes.