While in Minnesota on a John K. Walsh Residency Fellowship, Luisa Caycedo-Kimuara (poetry, ’13) was featured in the local paper, the Red Wing Republican Eagle! (She assures us that she hasn’t become a Republican, it’s just the name of the paper.) Unfortunately, there’s no link to the article, but you can take a look at the print version–a full page!–below.
Congrats, Luisa!
Luisa Caycedo-Kimura, a poet, translator, and Creative Writing Lecturer at Boston University, is the 2014 John K. Walsh Residency Fellow at Anderson Center, the 2014 Adrienne Reiner Hochstadt Fellow at Ragdale, and a 2013 Robert Pinsky Global Fellow in Poetry. Luisa holds an MFA from Boston University. Born in Colombia and raised in New York City, a former attorney, Luisa left the legal profession to pursue her passion for writing. She has received various awards for her poetry and was nominated for the 2012 Pushcart Prize. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Nashville Review, Jelly Bucket, Connecticut Review, Louisiana Literature, PALABRA, San Pedro River Review, Sunken Garden Poetry 1992-2011, and elsewhere.