Category: Poetry Publications

Tara Skurtu published in Plume

We’re so pleased to see Tara Skurtu’s poem, “Indian River at Dusk,” in Plume.  Read it here, and enjoy her wonderful wit, as in lines like this one: God was a word person. After two Hail Marys and an Our Father I’d be good again. Congratulations, Tara! Tara Skurtu is the recipient of two Academy of […]

Sasenarine Persaud’s latest book and news

We’re excited to announce that Sasenarine Persaud has just published a new book of poetry, Love in a Time of Technology!  The book includes poems dedicated to Robert Pinsky and Derek Walcott.  Sase has recently returned from his book launch in Toronto, and you can see the announcement for it here. In addition, Sase had a very […]

Lisa Hiton is Poet of the Week on The Paris-American

                  Brava to Lisa Hiton, who is this week’s featured poet on The Paris-American!  From the poem: Tail plumes stretched like sharp swords, then recoiling. I followed it thinking it was a kookaburra. With every inch I advanced, it changed its song—unrecognizable cries, stolen from the throats of […]

Kelly Morse’s recent poetry news

Kelly Morse’s poetry has been receiving all manner of publicity on the internet!  Her poem ‘Nobody Leaves Anybody in Winter’ was nominated for the Best of the Net  2014 Anthology by apt magazine, and she was interviewed for The Writer’s Job, a website featuring writers who work in non-traditional writing jobs. Kelly also published a book review and a guest post about Vietnamese […]

Lisa Hiton published in Thrush

                  Hurrah!  Lisa Hiton has published a poem, “Vigil,” in Thrush.  From the poem: Coming toward me, a prologue, a flying orchestra of spring birds gathering on the banks of the creek. To what are they praying?  To what do they give such praise? Read “Vigil” here. Congratulations, Lisa! […]

Leanne Hoppe’s translations published in Asymptote

We’re excited to hear from Leanne Hoppe (Poetry ’14), who has been traveling in Ireland this week!  And psyched to see that her translations of five poems by Michela Zanarella have been published on the Asymptote blog.  Zanarella is a living Italian poet who lives and works in Rome. Congratulations, Leanne! Leanne Hoppe is a 2013-2014 MFA […]

Dariel Suarez publishes poetry chapbook and non-fiction piece

It’s rare that a writer excels in more than one form–let alone three different ones–but Dariel Suarez (Fiction 2012) is doing just that: his poetry chapbook, In The Land of Tropical Martyrs, was recently released, and his nonfiction piece “Becoming a Man” has been published in the latest issue of The Caribbean Writer (volume 28)!  The chapbook is available for pre-order […]

Leanne Hoppe published by Driftwood Press

Leanne Hoppe (poetry ’14) has had a poem published in Driftwood Press.  Hurrah! The poem, inspired by the film El Topo, is called “Western,” and is followed by a brief interview.  Leanne says, “When something happens that I think about for a long time, I like to try and write it.” By the way, be sure to […]

Tracey Knapp wins 42 Miles Press Poetry Award

Hearty congratulations to Tracey Knapp (poetry ’04), whose first book of poems, Mouth, has won the 42 Miles Press Poetry Award!  Mouth will be published by 42 Miles Press (Indiana University) in September 2015.  You can read a poem from it here. On writing the book, Tracey says, It took a couple years after finishing my […]

Luisa Caycedo-Kimura published in the Nashville Review

                Exciting news for Luisa Caycedo-Kimura, who recently had two incredibly stirring poems, “Elena” and “Knitting,” published in Nashville Review.  From “Elena”: You are alive, your hair the scent of jasmine. You laugh as the walls of the room move out then in, like lungs. Congratulations, Luisa! Luisa […]