Category: Video

Tara Skurtu gives TED talk

Big news from Tara Skurtu (Poetry ’13), who gave a TEDx Talk in Romania earlier this summer!  Entitled “Unlearning Uncreativity,” the lecture took place at TEDxEroilor in Cluj, a city in the Transylvania region of Romania. In addition, the Romanian translation of Tara’s book The Amoeba Game was recently published by one of Romania’s main […]

Tara Skurtu on Poetry Daily and Creative Mornings

We’re excited to share that Tara Skurtu’s (Poetry ’13) poem “Tourniquet” was the Poetry Daily poem of the day for World Poetry Day! The poem originally appeared in the March/April ’16 Kenyon Review. In addition, Tara was January’s featured speaker for the Bucharest chapter of the international CreativeMornings monthly breakfast lecture series. The theme was language, and […]

BU alumni found Prodigal literary magazine

We’re thrilled to announce the creation of Prodigal, a new literary journal of poetry and prose founded by BU Creative Writing alumni!  Its editors include Aaron Kerner (former MFA program coordinator), Michael Kinnucan, Jordan Zandi (poetry ’11) , Chiara Scully, and Nicholas Leonard (poetry ’12), and the art director is Vilija Pakalniskis.   The first issue comes out both […]

Today’s Random Favorite Poem Video