Lucy Teitler published in Trop


I’m so happy to share that Lucy Teitler, a writer from my own class (Fiction ’13) has published a short story in Trop!  The story is called “Bakersfield,” and you can read it here.  She wrote the first draft of it for our workshop with Leslie Epstein.  Discussions in that class, Lucy says, led to heavy revisions that she made over the course of a year.

Hearty congratulations, Lucy!

Lucy Teitler is a Contributing Writer at Motherboard, the tech section of VICE Media. Her full-length play, Engagements, will be produced at the Ensemble Studio Theatre in New York in March. “Bakersfield” is her first published (fiction) story.

Literary Tea with Kimberly Elkins

We're pleased to announce a Literary Tea with fiction alum '10 and acclaimed novelist, Kimberly Elkins!  Please see below, and/or visit the Women's National Book Association (WNBA) Boston chapter website for more information.   Both the tea and the WNBA are open to men and women, despite the name.  Be sure to get your ticket by November 30 -- they're going fast.

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Lisa Hiton published in Thrush











Hurrah!  Lisa Hiton has published a poem, "Vigil," in Thrush.  From the poem:

Coming toward me, a prologue, a flying orchestra

of spring birds gathering on the banks of the creek.
To what are they praying?  To what do they give such praise?

Read "Vigil" here.

Congratulations, Lisa!

Lisa Hiton holds an MFA in poetry from Boston University and an MEd in Arts in Education from Harvard University. Her poems have been published or are forthcoming in The Literary Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Linebreak, and The Cortland Review among others. She has received the Esther B. Kahn Scholarship from 24Pearl Street at the Fine Arts Work Center and a nomination for the Pushcart Prize.

Leanne Hoppe’s translations published in Asymptote


We're excited to hear from Leanne Hoppe (Poetry '14), who has been traveling in Ireland this week!  And psyched to see that her translations of five poems by Michela Zanarella have been published on the Asymptote blog.  Zanarella is a living Italian poet who lives and works in Rome.

Congratulations, Leanne!

Leanne Hoppe is a 2013-2014 MFA candidate in poetry at Boston University. She likes copyediting, bicycling, and goats.

Read about her travels here.


Shaaru Menon published in Kweli Journal

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We're so pleased to announce that Shaaru Menon (Fiction 2012) has published a short story in Kweli!  Here's the beginning, to give you a taste:

By the time Neeli met Hassan he was a nobody. His last successful film was almost a decade ago and even that hadn’t gone beyond two weeks at the box office. He didn’t get invited to the annual award functions, wasn’t part of any film associations, and had slowly slipped through the cracks, well on his way to invisibility...

Click here to read the full text of "Mistakes Were Made."  Congratulations, Shaaru!

Shaaru Menon (2012) is a fiction writer from Kochi, India. This is her first published story. She lives in Chicago.

Literary Links


BU Creative Writing wishes you a happy Friday!  And here are some literary links to start off your weekend.

Dan Chiasson reviews Claudia Rankine's latest.

Whoa.  A Jane Austen video game, in which one plays to win the sympathy of Elizabeth Bennett.

What Mark Twain's mother taught him about compassion.

Novelist Don DeLillo reviews a Taylor Swift track.

The Boston Book Festival is this weekend!

Aaron Copland's 8 Poems of Emily Dickinson.

F. Scott Fitzgerald's advice to his daughter, Scottie (and one Slate writer's quite strong opinion on it).

How to write a sentence.

The breathtaking third movement of Charles Ives' Concord Sonata, "The Alcotts."  (After Louisa May Alcott and her father.)

Hope your weekend is full of wild and whirling words.

Dariel Suarez publishes poetry chapbook and non-fiction piece

dsIt's rare that a writer excels in more than one form--let alone three different ones--but Dariel Suarez (Fiction 2012) is doing just that: his poetry chapbook, In The Land of Tropical Martyrs, was recently released, and his nonfiction piece “Becoming a Man” has been published in the latest issue of The Caribbean Writer (volume 28)!  The chapbook is available for pre-order here and the pre-sale period ends November 20th.  

Congratulations, Dariel!

Dariel Suarez is a Cuban-born writer who came to the United States in 1997. He earned his M.F.A. in fiction at Boston University, where he was a Global Fellow. Dariel is a founding editor of Middle Gray Magazine and has taught creative writing at Boston University, the Boston Arts Academy, and Boston University’s Metropolitan College. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous journals and magazines, including Prairie Schooner, The Florida Review, Southern Humanities Review, Gargoyle, Superstition Review, and Baltimore Review, as well as several anthologies. He’s recently completed a story collection set in his native country, and he’s at work on a novel about a Cuban political prisoner, titled The Playwright’s House. More about Dariel can be found at

Abriana Jette in Conversation with Robert Pinsky


Check out this wonderful conversation with Robert Pinsky in Stay Thirsty magazine!  It's filled with nuggets of wisdom on a slew of things -- from Dante to music to making meaning -- all prompted by insightful questions from Abriana Jetté  (Poetry 2012).  From the interview:

"It's the sound of meaning that I crave and concentrate on: Frost talks about hearing a conversation through a closed door. A toddler can make the sounds of meaning—which is to say, meaning—in a language, before quite forming words. If one gets that right, then something in the human condition can express itself through you . . . audible to anyone who says the words of your poem, in that person's imagination or actually. You don't need to be there to perform it, the reader will hear it, in that reader's own actual or imagined voice. That is the unique intimacy of poetry."

Congratulations, Abriana, and thank you for sharing this!


Abriana Jetté is an internationally published poet, essayist, and educator from Brooklyn, New York. Her work has appeared in dozens of journals, including the Dr. T. J. Eckleburg Review, The Iron Horse Literary Review, The American Literary Review, and 491 Magazine. She teaches at St. Johns’s University and the City University of New York, writes a regular column for Stay Thirsty Magazine that focuses on emerging poets and she is the editor of the recently published book, The Best Emerging Poets of 2013, that debuted on Amazon as the #3 Best Seller in Poetry Anthologies.

Creative Writing Program Director Karl Kirchwey featured in BU Today


Karl Kirchwey teaching poetry MFA candidates in the historic room 222.

We're excited to see this article about Karl Kirchwey in BU Today!  In addition to being the director of the Creative Writing Program, Karl is an award-winning poet, scholar, translator, arts curator, and teacher of poetry.  His work inquires deeply into a vast array of disparate subjects, including physics, biology, Roman history, religion, and mythology--to name just a few.  On Karl, Robert Pinsky says, "In a period when some American poets have been concerned either with the problematic nature of language on one side, or the nuances of individual psychology on the other, the presence of historical reality in Kirchwey’s work is to be honored."

We're grateful to have Karl as both our program director and professor of one of the graduate-level poetry workshops.  On teaching, Karl says, “For me, the opportunity to talk about poems in the company of other people who care about poetry is huge—it’s a huge privilege and an opportunity."

Read the full article here.

Literary Links


A Young Girl Reading by Jean-Honoré Fragonard, c. 1776.

We've been quite busy here at BU Creative Writing -- on Tuesday, Katie McGunagle and Nina Palisano read at Writers at the Black Box, the first one of the year! -- and tonight, Jeff Huizinga and Daniel Leonard will be reading at the Breakwater Reading Series at Brookline Booksmith (7 PM).  Please come support our current MFA candidates!

Here are some literary links to start off your fall weekend:

Check out this new independent press, Eyewear, based in the UK.  (They're open to submission queries.)

Pinsky, Wine, & Jazz tomorrow night.

I've been reading Tamar Adler's An Everlasting Meal, modeled after M.F.K. Fisher's classic How to Cook a Wolf, and it's filled with delightful and philosophical meditations on food and living.

"It's possible to bend language to your will, to invest extraordinary amounts of effort and care to make words do what you want them to do." - Seth Godin

The George Saunders Fan Club (me + three reading friends) is reading "Victory Lap" for next week's meeting.  Did you know George has a B.S. in geophysical engineering from Colorado School of Mines?

Yesterday was Oscar Wilde's birthday. Here are a few of his Maxims for the Instruction of the Over-Educated.

Happy Friday from BU Creative Writing, and we hope your weekend is filled with wild and whirling words.