Sarah Handley published in A Clean, Well-Lighted Place

handleyWonderful news for Sarah Handley (poetry ’14), whose poem, “On the Feast Day of John the Baptist,” was published in A Clean, Well-Lighted Place!  Sarah will receive her MFA from BU in September, and she’s recently returned from Scotland, where she was traveling and writing on a Global Fellowship.

Congratulations, Sarah!

Sarah Handley is completing an MFA in poetry from Boston University, where she is a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow. Her poems appear in Angle; A Clean, Well-Lighted Place; and The New Republic.

Robert Pinsky’s MOOC, “The Art of Poetry,” launches next month

Robert Pinsky's "The Art of Poetry" MOOC (Massive Open Online Course, if you're not hip to the lingo) launches this September!  With sweet chapters such as "Teasing, Flirting & Courting" (on sonnets), it's bound to be fantastic.  The course runs for eight weeks and is run by edX in partnership with Boston University.  Join over 10,000 other poetry enthusiasts and sign up for it here.

Kelly Morse’s chapbook and recent publications

Morse HeadshotExciting news for poetry alum Kelly Morse (poetry '12), whose piece of flash creative nonfiction, "Ritual", recently came out on River Teeth Journal's Beautiful Things Blog.  In addition, another piece called "Open the Door and Here" will appear in Quarter After Eight's upcoming issue.

And if that weren't enough, we are so pleased to hear that Kelly's chapbook manuscript, Natural Language, was a semi-finalist in YesYes Books' Vinyl 45 Chapbook Contest!

Hearty congrats, Kelly!

Kelly Morse is a poet, nonfiction writer, and executive director of DEN: the Residency for Parenting Writers. Her work has appeared in Brevity, River Teeth, Alimentum and elsewhere. Currently, she is completing a cross-genre manuscript that explores linguistic and world-view gaps between SE Asian and US cultures based on her experience of living in Hanoi, Vietnam. More about her work can be found at:

Lisa Hiton published in Slice


The multi-talented Lisa Hiton has had two poems published in Slice!  You can purchase the issue or a subscription to the magazine here.  The theme of this month's Slice is escape, and the editor promises that this issue "disrupts our everyday thinking" and "won't let you see you life as you did before."

Congratulations, Lisa!

Lisa Hiton holds an MFA in poetry from Boston University and an MEd in Arts in Education from Harvard University. Her poems have been published or are forthcoming in The Literary Review, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Linebreak, and The Cortland Review among others. She has received the Esther B. Kahn Scholarship from 24Pearl Street at the Fine Arts Work Center and a nomination for the Pushcart Prize.

Sarah Huener published in Journal of Compressed Creative Arts


Sarah Huener has recently published a poem, "Hunger," in the Journal of Compressed Creative Arts!  Check it out here.  You'll enjoy her striking use of enjambment.

Congratulations, Sarah!

Sarah Huener is a poet and musician from North Carolina. She studied poetry at UNC Chapel Hill, and recently received her MFA in Creative Writing from Boston University. This fall Sarah traveled in Croatia and Israel as a Robert Pinsky Global Fellow. She is working on her first book.

Translation by Laura Marris in the Brooklyn Rail

Marris Photo

More exciting news for BU poetry alumni: Laura Marris' (poetry '13) translation of "Abalamour: Because or Down with Love" by Paol Keineg has been published in the Brooklyn Rail! And what's more, Paol Keineg's translation of one of Laura's poems, "Ransom," has just been published in Secousse.

Last fall, Laura traveled to Brittany, France to work with Paol during her Robert Pinsky  Global Fellowship.  It's wonderful to see their translations of each others' work being published around the same time.

Congratulations, Laura!

Laura Marris teaches poetry at Boston University. Her poems, reviews, and translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Meridian, DMQ Review, H.O.W., and The Wallace Stevens Journal. She is currently working on a translation of Louis Guilloux's Le Sang noir for the NYRB Classics.

Caitlin Doyle interviewed by the National YoungArts Foundation

CaitlinDoylePhotoByMikeRobinsonCaitlin Doyle (poetry '08) has been interviewed by the National YoungArts Foundation!  Among other things, the interview touches on Caitlin's experience as the featured poetry alumna in this year’s Annual Faculty Reading and her experience in the BU MFA Program. Of the program, Caitlin says, “You work so hard in such a short period that your evolution as a writer takes on the same quality as a time-lapse video of a flower blossoming.”  She also talks about lessons garnered from Robert Pinsky, Rosanna Warren, and Derek Walcott, and says “studying in the BU program shaped me as a reader and writer in ways that continue to reverberate through my work.” Click below to read Caitlin’s terrific interview:

Congratulations, Caitlin!

Caitlin Doyle’s most recent publication credits include two book anthologies, The Best Emerging Poets of 2013 (Stay Thirsty Press) and The Southern Poetry Anthology (forthcoming from Texas Review Press). During this past academic year, she held a Writer-In-Residence fellowship at the James Merrill House in Stonington, CT, and taught as the Writer-In-Residence at Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan. To read more about Caitlin’s impressive recent literary undertakings, you can visit her website at this link:

Luisa Caycedo-Kimura featured in local paper during writing residency

LuisaCK picWhile in Minnesota on a John K. Walsh Residency Fellowship, Luisa Caycedo-Kimuara (poetry, '13) was featured in the local paper, the Red Wing Republican Eagle! (She assures us that she hasn't become a Republican, it's just the name of the paper.) Unfortunately, there's no link to the article, but you can take a look at the print version--a full page!--below.

Congrats, Luisa!

Luisa Caycedo-Kimura, a poet, translator, and Creative Writing Lecturer at Boston University, is the 2014 John K. Walsh Residency Fellow at Anderson Center, the 2014 Adrienne Reiner Hochstadt Fellow at Ragdale, and a 2013 Robert Pinsky Global Fellow in Poetry. Luisa holds an MFA from Boston University. Born in Colombia and raised in New York City, a former attorney, Luisa left the legal profession to pursue her passion for writing. She has received various awards for her poetry and was nominated for the 2012 Pushcart Prize. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in Nashville Review, Jelly Bucket, Connecticut Review, Louisiana Literature, PALABRA, San Pedro River Review, Sunken Garden Poetry 1992-2011, and elsewhere.
Newspaper Article

Tara Skurtu published in The Common

Skurtu pic

Tara Skurtu (poetry '13) writes to us from Bucharest, Romania.  She's just had two poems, "Richter Scale" (incidentally, about Bucharest) and "Bar Poem" published in The Common!  Tara also had the opportunity to read at an international poetry festival, "Poezia e la Bistrita" in Bistrita, Romania.  Check out the poster below.

Congratulations, Tara, and best wishes for the remainder of your trip!

Tara Skurtu teaches Creative Writing at Boston University, where she received a Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship and an Academy of American Poets Prize. She was named one of Lloyd Schwartz’s 6 Favorite New Poets on WBUR’s Here and Now. Recent poems have appeared in Poetry Review, Memorious, DMQ Review, The Dalhousie Review, the minnesota review, B O D Y, and The Los Angeles Review.

Skurtu Bistrita Festival

Sasenarine Persaud featured on the BBC

Jun 2014 Whoa! We're thrilled to learn that one of our alums, Sasenarine Persaud (Fiction '06), was featured on the BBC!  Click here to listen to a short reading and interview.

In addition, Sase's poem, "Georgetown," will be distributed on postcards during the Commonwealth Games.

Congratulations, Sase!

Sasenarine Persaud is the author of twelve books of fiction and poetry. His awards include: The KM Hunter Foundation Award (Toronto) and fellowships from the University of Miami and Boston University. Persaud initiated the term Yogic Realism to define his literary aesthetics. His most recent books are Lantana Strangling Ixora (TSAR Books, Toronto, 2011), Unclosed Entrances: Selected Poems (Caribbean Press, Warwick & Georgetown, 2011) and In a Boston Night. (TSAR, Toronto, 2008). His next book, Love in a Time of Technology will be published in fall 2014.

He has been described as “one of those rare poets who gets the recipe of humanness exactly right” (Canadian Literature); and his poetry as “miniature raags, sensuous units of Indian music obeying conventions mysterious to western ears” (The Globe and Mail). Persaud was born in Guyana and has lived in Canada for several years. He tarries in Florida.