Posts by: Matthew Cron

Many Thanks

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone I would like to reflect on the great time that I had off. The break was not too long, it never is; but, it was much needed. After a long period of time that had me inundated with schoolwork and extracurriculars, it was nice that I finally got […]


As the weather gets colder and Thanksgiving nears it is important to reflect on the things that matter the most to us. Giving thanks is not just about trying to let others know you appreciate them, but it is also about showing them that you appreciate them. This does not involve going out and getting […]

Over 24 Hours

Usually I bring up things that regard American society that are not directly relate to politics. I believe that the nature of this forum, it being posted to Marsh Chapel’s blog, should not impose heavy political views. This is some of what we tackle during our Sunday Morning Book Study. However, with that being said. […]


Music is everywhere. I honestly do not know what I would do without music in my life. It is one of the only things that I know I can consistently count on in my life. No matter what is happening, no matter the time, nor the place music is an escape. It really helps me […]

Reflecting On The Past 72 Hours

The past 72 hours have been very stressful for me. I have gone from studying for midterms, to taking two on Tuesday, to doing two labs earlier today. To be quite honest, I did not even know what day it was until a few hours ago; the days have really blended together. Sunday night was […]


Monday marked the end of an era in Boston. The Boston Red Sox lost to the Cleveland Indians and were eliminated from the playoffs; this was the last day time that David Ortiz will step on a field to play a game of professional baseball. It is only fitting to talk about “Big Papi” and […]

Learning Experience

This past week I got to lead Sunday Morning Book Study on my own for the very first time. I will admit, I did not know what was going to happen going into the meeting. Throughout the week I prepared for the meeting by reading the book and deciding on what questions to ask. On […]

Jose Fernandez

This week’s blogpost was going to go in a completely different direction; however, tragedy has rocked a community that is dear to me. I am sure by now that you have heard of the tragic loss of Miami Marlins’ ace pitcher Jose Fernandez. Not only does his loss impact the team, but the entire baseball […]


My extracurricular activities were not as exciting as I would have hoped during my first year at Boston University. Some may know me as a Marsh Associate and blogger. Well, I am also going to BU to study in finance and, hopefully, one day become a financial analyst. Going back to my extracurriculars. Because I […]

Nationalism in Church

And so it begins, school is ‘finally’ back. I put finally in quotes because I don’t think it stopped over the so-called summer that I had. But that is less of an issue and more of an inconvenience that I am milking. In all honesty, I am truly blessed and excited to be back in […]