Tagged: Kelli Swensen

Stop Fighting Against Yourself and Start Fighting For Yourself

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Last night’s Lovin’ the Body You’re In panel centered around a guy named “Ed”. Okay, so Ed is not really a guy. You can’t find him listed in the phone book or friend him on Facebook, but you may have him in your head. Ed is the name […]

Best of The Food Web: Operation Beautiful

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Being National Eating Disorder Awareness Week, instead of featuring a healthy food blog, I though it was more appropriate to feature a healthy body image blog. Mentioned by Elizabeth Jarrard a year ago (check out her lovely post here), Operation Beautiful is a movement started by Caitlin Boyle […]

Breakfast On the Go

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College   Bringing Back Breakfast: On-The-Go Healthy Breakfast Options Easily the most common excuse I hear from people who don’t eat breakfast is that they don’t have time. While it’s great if you get up early enough to make yourself eggs and toast, most of us set our alarms […]

Best of the Foodweb: Angie’s Appetite for Life

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Every Wednesday this semester we will be posting about a new blog or cooking website that we love! The internet is filled with food websites, and our goal is to arm you with the “Best of the Food Web”!   If you’re not sure whether or not Angie’s […]

No More Excuses: Waking Up Your Stomach

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Bringing Back Breakfast: Not Hungry Excuse For those of you like me who have to eat breakfast first thing after waking up, it can be hard to understand how someone wouldn’t be hungry after sleeping 7 or more hours. While the possible physiological reasoning for not having an […]

Best of the Foodweb: The Eddible Perspective

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Every Wednesday this semester we will be posting about a new blog or cooking website that we love! The internet is filled with food websites, and our goal is to arm you with the “Best of the Food Web”! Published food photographer in the New York Times Bestselling […]

Choosing the right cereal

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Bringing Back Breakfast: Choosing healthy breakfast cereals Image Source While breakfasts like omlettes and oatmeal sound great, many of us don’t have the time to cook breakfast in the morning. Instead, we reach for cereal and a carton of milk. Luckily, breakfast cereal can be a healthy way […]

Because I Said So: Backing Up Mom’s Advice to Eat Breakfast

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Image Source This month’s theme, Bringing Back Breakfast, is all about the “most important meal of the day.” We’ll be focusing on: Why breakfast is important How to choose healthy breakfast cereals Why some people have difficulty stomaching food in the morning and ways to help Dorm options […]

Grain of the Month: Buckwheat

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College   While we’re featuring buckwheat in our Grain of the Month series, it is actually a fruit seed and is related to rhubarb. However, because buckwheat is often used in replacement of rice, to make porridge, or ground down to a flour to bake with, we felt the […]

The Ultimate Resolution

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College When I hear the word “resolution” I think of making a conscious decision to make a change that will better my life. While setting goals for yourself is good, it’s important that they are healthy goals. While eating healthier or exercising more are good goals, they can be […]