Tagged: Sargent Choice Nutrition Center

Burrito Bonanza

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College I don’t know anyone who does not love burritos. They are packed with some of the best combinations; cheese, beans and vegetables. What’s there not to love? With all of the burrito joints on campus and surrounding area, it is difficult to sift through the many options. Luckily […]

Fat Talk Free Week

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Fat Talk Free Week Video — Be sure to check out this video! “She’s too fat to be wearing that swim suit” “You look so pretty and skinny” “I hate how these shorts make my thighs look fat” We’ve all heard, and probably have said, comments similar to […]

CSA Week 18: Subbing in for Pumpkin

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Although pumpkin usually gets special treatment, it is actually part of the larger winter squash family. Besides being comforting, winter squash varieties offer many nutrients that make them excellent additions to any fall menu. Usually a shade of orange or yellow, the flesh of winter squash is rich […]

Best of the Food Web: Sweet Beet

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Every Wednesday this semester we will be posting about a new blog or cooking website that we love! The internet is filled with food websites, and our goal is to arm you with the “Best of the Food Web”! “At its core, eating well is an act of […]

Dining Hall Takeover: The Results

I hope everyone who attended Sargent Choice Night had a delicious experience! Personally, I couldn’t get enough of the Tomato and Sweet Potato Soup! So how did the night go? You told us! You all had a lot to say (which made us VERY happy!) We also have some photographic evidence of the night (these […]

SC Test Kitchen: Tackling Tofu

By Bianca Tamburello, Dietetics Student, Sargent College This week we gathered at Karen Jacob’s SC Test Kitchen for an Asian infusion of Stir-Fried Veggies and Tofu! It’s always great to learn how to prepare a delicious new recipe and save money at the same time. Instead of using fresh shiitake mushrooms, Karen Jacobs introduced us […]

Celebrating Food

By Allison Mars, Dietetics Student, Sargent College To me, every day is food day, but October 24 is national Food Day created by The Center for Science in the Public Interest, and endorsed by many celebrity chefs and foodies. I think these two quotes summarize the ideas behind Food Day pretty well. “Food day is […]

CSA Week 17: Snack-Time’s Favorite Whole Grain

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Although I’m excited to start baking with pumpkin and enjoying more hot beverages, October marks the last month of CSA boxes. I hope you all have enjoyed the CSA posts and have discovered new fruits and vegetables and ways to prepare them that you love! In this week’s […]

It’s Always the Season for Southwestern Flavors

In the final week of summer when most students were fitting in their last beach days and home cooked meals, FYSOP freshman and staff were already back on campus, doing community service throughout the Boston area. Sargent Choice Nutrition Center RD Laura Judd went and talked to the Hunger Team, bringing a delicious southwestern salad […]

Best of the Food Web: Sunday Suppers

By Kelli Swensen, Dietetics Student, Sargent College Sunday Suppers is a beautiful website that was started by stylist and photographer Karen Mordechai. As a professional photographer, Karen ensures that the pictures on the website are nothing short of stunning. In addition to elegant recipes, Sunday Suppers also has information on the other aspects of their […]