Like Sand Through the Hourglass…

Time is one of those forces we don’t think much about until we run out of it. Despite your best efforts, you can’t “make up for lost time.” Those hours of watching Jersey Shore reruns are gone forever. Is The Situation really worth it?

For those of you who skimp on sleep to make up for time you procrastinated away, consider this: studies have shown that sleep deprivation leads to health issues like cardiovascular disease that could shorten your life span.

If you have about 9 minutes, click on our time management video below to learn how a few simple adjustments can help you manage your time better. Remember those papers that took hours to write without an outline at three o’clock in the morning? Do you ever want to be in that position again? Homework assignments can often be done in less time if you spend a few minutes creating an action plan before you dive in. Time management requires planning ahead of time.

If you have time management tips that work for you, comment on this post!

Be sure to share this link with friends, especially that procrastinator that’s tons of fun to hang out with, but always seems to be freaking out about homework and due dates…If you don’t know anyone like that, it’s you.


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Like Sand Through the Hourglass… | BU Educational Resource Center Blog

silicone overmolding posted on August 26, 2022 at 1:43 AM

Like Sand Through the Hourglass… | BU Educational Resource Center Blog1661492636

SKK Konstruksi posted on February 6, 2023 at 2:39 AM

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